Transportation Timeline Then and Now by Nicole Wagner and Joette Fletcher
Standards of Learning I am learning to tell how people, places, and things change over time. I am learning to tell how people, places, and things change over time. I am learning to compare my life to life in other places and other times. I am learning to compare my life to life in other places and other times.
A timeline is an actual picture of events that happened in history. A timeline is organized according to the date when an event happened. A timeline usually begins with the earliest date. A timeline can be vertical or horizontal. What is a timeline?
Exploring a Timeline In today’s lesson, we are going to look at a timeline that shows how transportation has changed from long ago to what we know today. What do you notice about these pictures? Pay attention to each picture and what is special about that form of transportation.
1784: an early balloon of Jean-Pierre Blanchard
1903: machine on the launching track at Big Kill Devil Hill – Wright Brothers
1906: cable car in Tacoma, Washington
1911: Houdini in an early automobile
1929: largest passenger plane to date takes off from Pennsylvania
1931: zeppelin over Jerusalem
1939: a new model car
1942: P-51 “Mustang” fighter plane
1961: first unmanned space flight launch
1981: first Space Shuttle mission launch
2006: Honda Element
Activity Now we are going to see what this timeline would look like if it were spread out on our white board! On the board, you will see a string that represents the timeline. We are going to place the pictures on the timeline in the proper order.
Photo References jpg ages/52.gif 006/04/20-honda-element-sc- prototype/2006-Honda-Element-lg.jpg