By Max
What do the statistics show?
What access do poor people have to health care in australia? There are many programs that are actively aiming to improve the health and well-being of children in rural areas and that have trouble accessing health care. One of these groups is the sunrise health group which concentrates on child health in rural areas and aims to improve the health and well-being of the kids within the sunrise health area.
As you move further out of the city into the less wealthy districts of Australia the amount of carers there are available for people decreases quite a lot. The Australian government provides assistance to those who find it hard to pay for food and pay rent or taxes Some of these assistance organisations are the, HRA which provides rental assistance to low income households, and the ERP emergency relief program which provides funding to community and welfare organisations.
The health of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander when compared to that of non indigenous Australians is sadly very low. Since 2006, NGOs and human rights organisations have worked together to achieve health and life expectation equality for Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This is known as the Close the Gap Campaign
There goal is to close the gap between life expectancy between that of non indigenous Australians and aboriginals. Unfortunantly their are a number of very unhealthy trends and habits among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples due to these they are prone to many harmful diseases, these include, high rates of chronic diseases such as renal failure, cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes, middle ear infections, eye conditions such as trachoma, poor access to primary health care, high rates of unhealthy and risky behaviour. Heart attacks are the biggest killer in Australia. Cardio vascular disease effects mostly aboriginals and toris straight islanders and those people who are living in remote areas of Australia. Smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise, alcohol abuse and other poor health habits are the main cause for CVD.
Region% pop. who were carers % carers who were Indigenous Major Cities Inner Regional Outer Regional Remote Very Remote Australia11.2