Professor of Education at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University Doctorate in Ed. Psy from U of Texas, Austin Developed COMP: Creating Conditions for Learning Written over 100 chapters, articles and books on teacher education, including our textbook! 2 best selling textbooks for teacher ed. › One of them is our class textbook interested in the social contexts of classrooms and how these contexts influence what students have an opportunity to learn and how learning gets defined by the participants. She is also interested in understanding the developmental process of learning to teach and how experienced teachers (mentors) can influence this process. She and her colleagues have been studying this process through interviews and journals written by interns as they become certified teachers.
Taught in Nashville, TN for 16 years › suburban, inner city and private school classrooms PhD in education and human development at Vanderbilt Interested in secondary science education 3 years research assistant professor of Special Ed › classroom management, effective teaching mainstreamed students 10 years Research Assistant Professor of Education › COMP -Creating Conditions for Learning -Developed workshop curricula Director of Educational Program for the VaNTH (Vanderbilt-Northwestern-University of Texas-Harvard/MIT Health Sciences) Workshops for Biomedical Engineering
Did 12 studies in regular and special education resource settings (K-12), spanned 15 years, over 4000 hours of observation in 581 classrooms in 100 schools. Studies identified difference in teacher management practices that correlated with student outcomes of task engagement, appropriate behavior, positive attitude, and achievement. Manual made from research Teachers were then taught ways to implement findings and put into practice Results were higher task engagement. Less inappropriate and disruptive behavior and higher academic success.
Use time as effectively as possible Implement group strategies with high levels of involvement and low levels of misbehavior Choose lesson formats and academic tasks conducive to high student engagement Prevent problems by implementing a system at the beginning of the school year
A systematic, research-based, common- sense approach to effective classroom management that increases academic achievement and reduces discipline problems and office referrals. This led to the creation of COMP
Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP) Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP) conduct teacher workshops year-round throughout the US, helping teachers learn to create smoothly running learning environments in their classrooms. By creating the conditions for learning, teachers can ultimately foster student achievement and reduce discipline problems. COMP is developed by and based on the research of Dr. Carolyn M. Evertson.Dr. Carolyn M. Evertson The program incorporates the findings of 12 studies in regular and special education resource settings, grades K-12, that span 15 years and involve over 4,000 hours of observation in 581 classrooms in 100 schools. Since 1989, the program has served over 60,000 teachers and administrators in 33 states and American territories. Findings from evaluation studies show clearly that teachers who use COMP principles experience a decrease in student misbehavior while enjoying increases in student academic engagement, student achievement, and personal satisfaction in teaching. This web site gives COMP Trainers, COMP teachers, and other professional educators a place to solicit and discuss information about how classrooms work.
Teachers who have implemented this program have seen fewer students who interrupted and called out, who were inattentive, disruptive, and unengaged Teachers have found that students were engaged, completing assignments, successful in classroom lessons, and higher students achievement
Students of teachers who have participated in COMP realize greater gains in academic achievement as measured by standardized tests that students of teachers who have not participated in programs Teachers who have participated in COPM workshops show changed classroom practices that result in classroom environments more conducive to students’ learning Students of post workshop teachers show a significant decrease in inappropriate and disruptive behavior and a significant increase in academic engagement
Evertson, C.M. Classroom Organization & Management Program Retrieved October 21, 2007 from, Evertson, C.M. & Harris, A.H. What We Know About Managing Classrooms. Retrieved October 21, 2007 from Picture of Evertson, C.M retrieved October 21, 2007 from: evertson.jpg. evertson.jpg Picture of Harris, A.H. retrieved October 21, 2007 from sA.jpg sA.jpg.