Bangladesh Floods 200 4 UN Inter-Agency Flash Appeal.


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Presentation transcript:

Bangladesh Floods UN Inter-Agency Flash Appeal

12 August Key Objectives n Immediate relief/recovery of the very poor to bolster their ability to survive the monsoon season n Covers next six months n Urgent needs identified in 8 sectors

12 August Summary of requirements by sector Sector Lead Agency (partner agencies) Requirements in US$ AgricultureFAO11,853,541 Economic Recovery & InfrastructureUNDP (ILO, IOM)45,433,099 EducationUNICEF11,200,000 Family Shelter and Non-Food ItemsUNDP (IOM)30,340,000 FoodWFP39,372,542 HealthWHO (UNFPA, UNICEF)34,810,000 Protection/Human Rights/Rule of LawUNICEF1,427,600 Water and SanitationUNICEF35,459,170 Coordination & Support ServiceAll UN Agencies (OCHA)182,000 GRAND TOTAL210,077,952

FOOD: Feed the Hungry

12 August Food: Main Impact n 2 million acres of cropland inundated n Aman harvest under threat n 50 percent rural people depend on farm work

12 August Food: Main Objectives n Bridge gaps in Government flood relief n Meet food and recovery needs expected during the peak “hungry” season (October-December 2004) n WFP’s EMOP will cover also subsequent six month up until August 2005

12 August Food: Target Groups n Relief assistance for 5 million worst affected n School children n Pregnant/nursing women and children aged 6-35 months


12 August Agriculture: Main Impact n Huge losses of standing crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry enterprises and homestead production n Estimated output loss at US$ 500 million

12 August Agriculture: Main Objectives n Support landless, sharecropper, and marginal farmers to restore normal production n Technical assistance to ensure quick recovery

12 August Agriculture: Target Groups n 20 percent of total affected farm families through supply of the most essential agricultural inputs n Training of farmers to re-establish production systems

HEALTH & NUTRITION: Making a Full Recovery

12 August Health and Nutrition: Main Impact n Diarrhoeal and other waterborne diseases n Acute respiratory infections and pneumonia, skin, eye and ear infections n Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies n Disruption of diagnostic, delivery and other health services due to destruction of equipment and facilities

12 August Health and Nutrition: Main Objective n Prevention of deaths and prompt treatment of vulnerable people to stop further deterioration of their health n Promote recovery of health and nutritional status and health services to pre-disaster conditions

12 August Health and Nutrition: Targets n Disease control by means of appropriate drugs, case management and health education n Maintain routine immunization services with emphasis on measles n Distribute nutritional supplements to pregnant and lactating women n Establish rapid health assessment teams for proper surveillance and monitoring n Repair of damaged health facilities with special emphasis on maintenance of reproductive health services

WATER & SANITATION: Safe Water for Healthy Lives

12 August Water and Sanitation: Main Impact n Water sources contaminated n Sanitation facilities inundated n Only 1,000 out of 5,000 shelters have latrines n Environmental contamination remains after flood waters have receded n General deterioration of the environment

12 August Water and Sanitation: Main Objective n Provide safe drinking water and sanitation facilities to vulnerable populations affected by the flood

12 August Water and Sanitation: Targets n Safe water supply for 30 million during flood n Restoration of safe water sources as the flood recedes n Temporary sanitation facilities in shelters n Restoration of community sanitation facilities

FAMILY SHELTER: Give us the tin and we’ll do the job

12 August Family Shelter: Main Impact n More than 4 million people displaced n 860,000 houses washed away n 3.2 million houses damaged

12 August Family Shelter: Main Objectives n Assist those in urgent need of shelter n Contribute to economic recovery n Lay the foundation for longer term rehabilitation n Improve flood resistance of structures

12 August Family Shelter: Targets n Repair of 150,000 houses n Rebuilding of 44,000 houses n Studies to find design solutions n Building materials, financial assistance, guidance, awareness on flood-safe designs n Training of masons/local contractors in new techniques

EDUCATION: Get the Kids Back to School

12 August Education: Main Impact n 23,187 schools damaged n 1,166 schools completely destroyed n 1,600 schools used as shelters n Educational activities disrupted

12 August Education: Main Objective n Restoration of education access for 4 million children in flood affected areas

12 August Education: Targets n Creation of temporary learning spaces and centers n Provision of educational materials n Minor repairs n Technical support to partner agencies

PROTECTION: Security for the Most Vulnerable

12 August Protection: Main Impact n Abuse and neglect of most vulnerable women and children n Increase in reported cases of violence and exploitation

12 August Protection: Main Objectives n Awareness raising n Child-friendly spaces n Psycho-social support n Training of NGOs on protection issues during emergencies n Technical support and advice to NGOs and GoB n Programmes to monitor


12 August Economic recovery and infrastructure: Main Impact n Massive disruption to productive infrastructure and livelihoods n Cottage industry losses estimated at US$ million

12 August Economic recovery and infrastructure: Main Objectives n Quick restoration of essential infrastructure for basic access and ‘kick-start’ of the local economy n Support to cottage industries through working capital n Work through NGO and Government partners


12 August UN Flash Appeal n Appears huge compared to Appeals launch for Floods in other parts of the world, but n It represents only a modest proportion of the estimated US$ 7 billion damage n Carefully targeted to meet survival needs of ultra-poor

12 August UN Flash Appeal n US$ 210 million corresponds to US$ 1.50 for each Bangladeshi citizen n US$ 210 million corresponds to US$ 6.20 = Tk. 370 for each of the 33.7 million Bangladeshis directly affected by the flood

12 August Summary of requirements by sector Sector Lead Agency (partner agencies) Requirements in US$ AgricultureFAO11,853,541 Economic Recovery & InfrastructureUNDP (ILO, IOM)45,433,099 EducationUNICEF11,200,000 Family Shelter and Non-Food ItemsUNDP (IOM)30,340,000 FoodWFP39,372,542 HealthWHO (UNFPA, UNICEF)34,810,000 Protection/Human Rights/Rule of LawUNICEF1,427,600 Water and SanitationUNICEF35,459,170 Coordination & Support ServiceAll UN Agencies (OCHA)182,000 GRAND TOTAL210,077,952


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