Overview Handheld Gaming Considerations Player interactions Hardware limitations Budgetary constraints Best Practices Control scope Keep it simple Make it snappy Work with the impatient player Stay off the critical path
Handheld Considerations Player Interactions – Console vs. Handheld Games Differences based on: –Where they’re played –Why they’re played –How they’re played
Where At Home vs. On-the-Go Sound vs. Silence Shared vs. Solitary
Why Settling Down vs. Squeezing In Hardcore vs. Casual
How Engrossed vs. Interrupted Roundabout vs. Direct
Cartridge-Based Systems (DS) Hardware Limitations –ROM size relatively small Generally eliminates use of full-motion video (FMV) Reduces use of voiceover (VO) Schedule and Budget –Both reduced vs. console Generally eliminates use of FMV Reduces or eliminates use of VO
Best Practices Control scope Keep it simple Make it snappy Work with the impatient player Stay off the critical path
Control Scope Reduced retail cost translates to reduced audience expectations of narrative scope Avoid overburdening narrative with poor design choices Example: –Level 1: In ocean, fighting robotic sharks –Level 2: On Mars, mining for minerals –Too large a conceptual gap to be filled with 3 still images and captions –Result: short and ridiculous, or long and tedious
Keep It Simple Story components must survive interruption Complex story elements more easily forgotten with shorter player sessions Player may feel lost most of the time
Keep It Simple Keep elements tight, lean and easy to follow/ remember Sprinkle story with simple recaps/reminders –A la a broadcast sporting event Repeatedly answer questions like: –What is the overall conflict? –What is my overarching goal? –Why am I on the current quest/level/mission?
Make It Snappy Text –Your main tools are probably the static image and the text caption –Two types of players: skippers and readers –Skippers far outnumber readers! –But middle-of-road gamers will read if you don’t push your luck –The more you write, the more likely none of it gets read –Small screen size means few words will fit onscreen at one time
Make It Snappy Text –Edit, edit, then edit again –Challenge each sentence, phrase and word to justify its existence
Make It Snappy Voiceover (VO) –If lucky enough to have VO, it will be limited –Make it count Succinct, direct, character-defining dialogue Front-load VO if can’t be carried through game –Establish character voices up front, so that text in game is “heard” correctly
Make It Snappy Full-Motion Video (FMV) –Very rare for cart-based handhelds –When available, extremely limited in scope Runtime Number of character models Number of speaking characters (assuming lip- sync) Number of environments
Make It Snappy Full-Motion Video (FMV) –Insist on a detailed outline or beat script being vetted by the animation team Save painful editing/downscoping later –Where to put FMV? Normally beginning, in between levels, and at end If crunched, front-load –Maximum percentage of players will see it
The Impatient Player Some players just want to skip your story! –Don’t give up on them –Try to find ways to short-circuit their use of the “skip” button –Deliver at least core narrative info despite them Use the “silent comic book panels test”
The Impatient Player Keep Narrative Off the Critical Path –Avoid forcing the player to listen or read Don’t embed crucial gameplay info in reams of narrative material –Can annoy players and reviewers For “need to know” info, stick with impossible-to- avoid iconographic or very brief text instructions
Conclusion Don’t let it get you down! Remember you’re in a support role –Bolstering and enhancing the game experience Provide context for gameplay goals Create the illusion of a larger world Make players care about the characters –Do more with less… and be proud of it!