Aeronautical Carpet Maintenance
OBJECTIVES To recover the carpet’s original cleaning. Recover the hair height. Recover the carpet’s original flammability. Continued monitoring, periodicaly and after each flightreaching the International Quality Standars.
Transit Procedure. Aircraft arrival and subsequent FullClean team arrival.
Enter the passenger’s cabin and observe the hall entrance, the seats, intersections and galley carts maneuvering areas, and other sectors affected by attrition.
Transit Procedure. Before starting IT IS NOT NECESSARY. Vacuum the surface to be cleaned. Remove seats. Avoid traffic in the cabin. Expected weather conditions. Apply a pretreatment on precise spots.
1st STEP There are two choices in the begining of the procedure.
SPRAY Maintenance detergent: Spray the microcrystals over the cleaning surface 1st Step “A”Option Product: Cristal Cleaner CC-300. Action: Dissolves stains and allows efficient removal after brush.
SPREAD: Detergent for cleansing: Sprinkle with hands, the micro-sponge over the surface 1st Step “B” Option Product: Carpet cleaner compound. Action: Encapsulate the waste dirt and debris, forming larger and easier to remove particles.
1er Paso For option A or B the amount of product to spread is proportional to the amount of dirt.
2nd Step
BRUSH: Brush immediately, in all directions and for a few minutes the surface. 2do Paso By brushing, the products penetrates the fibers, dissolving and absorbing the dirt.
3rd Step
VACUUM Vacuum, dissolving the treatment's waste. 3er Paso Once the vacuum finalizes there are no more sticky or wet waste.
Attention: If It’s necessary, the procedure can be repeated as often as required for better results, without affecting the treated surface.
Advantage The dry cleansing system, leave the carpet in perfect condition, without having to wait the drying. This products guarantee 100% the original flammability state of the carpet. This cleaning system ensures an extend of the time between washings, that are stated in the Boeing BMS 8-237D document.
Our staff Our personell is trained to attend quickly and efficiently all the needs of the clients. We have mobiles in Aeroparque and Ezeiza, portable computers, required tools and the knowledge to work with the client’s maintenance staff.
Logistics Support We have vehicles with 220V generator to power the cleaning equipment. Multifleet mobile communication and radio equipment.
Infraestructura movil necesaria y que poseemos. An Office-Container for control and news. Computer equipment and net connection. A Carpet Cleaning Workshop, to work outside the aircraft. A surfilees equipment to quickly resolve frayed edges without delaying the washing process.
Cleaning Workshop Carperts for cleaning The carpets that are not yet registered will be labeled, indicating height and width. A serial number will be assigned to each one. The cleaning control label will be marked with a cross. Carpets showing minor damage can be repaired as soon as thye came by a surfilees equipment installed in the workshop. The carpets that require treatment will be sent to the Cleaning Workshop. Will proceed to the cleaning of the carpet. Necessary pre- washes will be made in stained areas. Necessary pre-washes will be made in stained areas.
Bureau Report SERVER RED INTERNA AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS Entre otras. Aeroparque Ezeiza Image department Presidency The carpet's info card will be processed by the system. Labels and cleaning cards for each carpet and fleet.
Otamendi 1631 (1876) Buenos Aires – Argentina. Tel: by