Processing Time for Changes to Graduate Degree Programs and Courses: USF Graduate School May 3, 2013
Overview A summary of how long it has taken to process degree and course changes for 8 colleges from Spring 2011 to Spring Time measured in two phases: Time approved by Dept. Chair to time received by Graduate School Time received by Graduate School (or from signature date of College) to the time approved by the Graduate Council
Contents Context Information Summary of Findings Information on Lengthy Changes
Context 294 total change requests from 8 colleges Information broken down by college. There is some room for error: We used date from forms with all dates and signatures in this summary.
Summary College Total # of requests Avg. time in College Avg. time in GS Medicine5113 days55 days Nursing594 days20 days Arts and Sciences days32 days Bvrl & Cmty Sciences 1842 days21 days Education5472 days56 days Global Sustainability 4 Could not calculate 21 days The Arts129 days27 days Public Health4418 days52 days
Amount of Lengthy Changes in Colleges 37 of the 294 changes took 100 days or more to complete before submitting to GC.
Amount of Lengthy Changes in GC 11 of the 294 changes took 100 days or more to complete in Graduate School. *many were delayed due to revisions needed to move the proposal forward