Developing Regional Climate Services at NOAA: Today and Tomorrow June 9, 2010 Dan Walker, Ph.D. Chief, Climate Assessment and Services Division NOAA’s Climate Program Office
2 The nation faces real climate challenges Droughts Wave Heights Heatwaves Atlantic Hurricanes Heavy Rain Events 27.2°C ~3 Sea Surface Temp. Hurricane Power Index 27.6°C ~ ~12% ~11% Western U.S. Contiguous U.S. ~40% ~37% ~15% ~10% % Area with Hot Daily Low Temps % Area with Hot Daily High Temps -13% 15% 0% ~ 3 meters ~ 3.9 meters
So, Where NOAA is Headed with Regional Climate Services? 3
Information Delivery and Decision Support NOAA uses its national and regional infrastructure to deliver climate services today Assessments of Climate Change and Impacts NOAA is a leader in national and regional climate impact assessments Over 70% of Federal IPCC AR4 WG1 authors were from NOAA Climate Change Research and Modeling Internationally recognized models of the global climate Climate Observations and Monitoring NOAA operates over 90 observation and monitoring systems NOAA is mandated to monitor and provide access to climate data and information 4 Security Forestry Water Health Infrastructure Oceans Other Energy Land Management Global NOAA commits to providing critical assets in science and service to a Federal partnership Federal Response to the nation’s climate challenges NOAA’s Assets Partnerships & Collaboration *Representative Organizations & Sectors * *
Regional Climate Services Enterprise: A Conceptual Pearl
Important Regional Partnerships
OVERVIEW of Climate Program Office 12
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE AND SOCIETY (IRI) Promotes sustainable development goals by helping manage vulnerability associated with short- term climate variability and longer- term climate change 13
CSI-Water Coping with Drought in Support of NIDIS: Supports applications research addressing human populations coping with drought within the U.S. or U.S. trans-boundary areas. CSI-Coasts: Catalyzes and supports applications research that links climate science with practical challenges in coastal regions. Coastal communities face a complex suite of interrelated issues, which can be compounded by climate variability and change. CSI-Water: Supports applications research on the influence of climate on water resource management primarily in urban environments, where over half of the world’s population currently resides, and points us toward specific products and information services that will enhance response/coping capacity. CSI SECTORAL RESEARCH 14
REGIONAL INTEGRATED SCIENCES AND ASSESSMENTS (RISA) Supports integrated, place-based research across social, natural, and physical science disciplines as well as outreach activities to expand decision-makers options and capacities in the face of climate variability and change at local and regional levels 15
Coordinating national drought monitoring and forecasting systems Coordinating national drought monitoring and forecasting systems Providing an interactive drought information clearinghouse and delivery system for products and services—including an internet portal and standardized products (databases, forecasts, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), maps, etc) Providing an interactive drought information clearinghouse and delivery system for products and services—including an internet portal and standardized products (databases, forecasts, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), maps, etc) Designing mechanisms for improving and incorporating information to support coordinated preparedness and planning Designing mechanisms for improving and incorporating information to support coordinated preparedness and planning 16 NIDIS Objectives: Creating a drought early warning information system
NIDIS EARLY WARNING SYSTEM PILOTS California Missouri Mississippi Oklahoma Colorado River Basin Montana Chesapeake Bay Southeast 17 Selected by Drought-type and Analysis Units
Organizing NOAA Research To Support Regional Climate Service 18 RISA Network THE REGIONAL BACKBONE
Organizing NOAA Research To Support Regional Climate Service 19 CSI- Regions CSI- Water CSI- Coasts
Organizing NOAA Research To Support Regional Climate Service 20 CSI- Regions CSI- Water IRI Transboundary Centralized Analytical Support (MAPP) CSI- Coasts
Visit Questions? 21