THE COAST Atlantic Ocean –B–B–B–Borders most of the region Gulf of Mexico –B–B–B–Borders the southern most states Barrier Islands –O–O–O–Off the coast Formed by a glacier and years of sediments
Landforms Appalachian Mts. run through SE Appalachian Mts. run through SE Piedmont is an area of rolling hills and beautiful valleys Piedmont is an area of rolling hills and beautiful valleys –Soil here is good for farming Area around Appalachian Mts. is known as Appalachia Area around Appalachian Mts. is known as Appalachia –Known for coal and dense forests
CLIMATE Southern Florida has a tropical climate Southern Florida has a tropical climate Northern Florida and its neighboring states have a more temperate climate Northern Florida and its neighboring states have a more temperate climate Louisiana is one of the rainiest states Louisiana is one of the rainiest states Appalachian states get snow in the winter Appalachian states get snow in the winter
HURRICANES Dangerous Weather –H–H–H–Hurricanes occur along the Atlantic & Gulf coast Violent storms that form over the waters Hurricane Season –J–J–J–June to November Technology is used to help locate the path of the storm People move inland during these storms
Cherokee Culture Culture –Lived in villages in the mountains of Appalachia –Farmed and hunted –Lived life by using a consensus Rectangular Homes Rectangular Homes –Used during the summer Round Homes Round Homes –Used in the winter
Trail of Tears Gold Discovered on Cherokee land Gold Discovered on Cherokee land –Made their land more desirable U.S. government forced the Cherokee off their land with help from the soldiers U.S. government forced the Cherokee off their land with help from the soldiers –Occupy new land further west Walked hundreds of miles to Oklahoma Walked hundreds of miles to Oklahoma –Limited food and warm clothing –Thousands died
Civil War Began in 1861 and lasted for 4 years Began in 1861 and lasted for 4 years Between Northern states (Union) and Southern states (Confederate) Between Northern states (Union) and Southern states (Confederate) Issues: 1) Slavery 2) How people felt about their state and their country Issues: 1) Slavery 2) How people felt about their state and their country Eleven southern states seceded Eleven southern states seceded
Effects of the Civil War Many Confederate soldiers died from wounds or disease Many Confederate soldiers died from wounds or disease Cities and farms in the South had been burned and factories had been destroyed Cities and farms in the South had been burned and factories had been destroyed Thirteenth Amendment made slavery illegal in the U.S. Thirteenth Amendment made slavery illegal in the U.S.
Cities of the Southeast The first gold rush in the United States began in Georgia The first gold rush in the United States began in Georgia Leads the country in population growth due to it’s pleasant weather and job availability Leads the country in population growth due to it’s pleasant weather and job availability