What is a Map? An illustration of a whole or part of an area. The job of a map is to describe spatial relationships of specific features that the map aims to represent .
Types of maps Climate maps give information about climatic and precipitation Economic or resource maps feature the type of natural resources in that area. Physical maps show the physical features of an area, such as mountains and rivers. Political maps indicate state and national boundaries. Road maps show the major highways, railway tracks, airports and places of interest within a country, county, state, province or city. Topographic maps use contour lines to highlight the shape and elevation of an area.
What should a map contain? Compass Rose: a directional instrument on a map that shows north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest A key: Informs the reader what specific symbols or colors on the map represent KEY
Lets label together NW NE W E SW SE S