BABATI RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM Presentation to the 3 rd Research Review and Planning Meeting for the Africa RISING –East and Southern Africa Project-Arusha, Tanzania: 9-12 September, 2014
INTRODUCTION Babati is unique in agro- ecological and socio- cultural diversity
INTRO……. Babati Africa RISING project sites in Matufa, Hallu, Sabilo, Long, Shaurimoyo and Seloto villages are representative of the agro- ecological and Socio-cultural diversity existing in the district
INTRO…… The farming households in these agro-ecological zones are faced with livelihood challenges
INTRO….. Babati Research for Development is an initiative proposed to adress and solve farmers challenges and scaling of sustainable intensification through intergrated farm practices so as to improve livelihoods in terms of productivity, income generation and nutrition
PLATFORM ESTABLISHMENT Idea of Babati Platform was initiated by Africa RISING to stakeholders meeting which was held in Babati on April 2014
PLATFORM ESTABLISHMENT…. Proposed member composition include Farmers (Men, women and youth ), Extension agents, Input suppliers, Output handling and market support agents, Financial institutions, Research Institutions and Policy makers all of whom had representation in the April meeting
PLATFORM ESTABLISHMENT…. Meeting came up with the initial process of establishing the Management Committee whose members composed of two farmers representatives basing on gender, farmers who were already involved in Africa RISING Project activities,
PLATFORM ESTABLISHMENT…. two crop and Livestock Extension agents, Agro-input supplier, NGO representative, two researchers one from Selian Agriculture Research and the other from Livestock Research Institute, Policy makers representative from MLFD and Babati District Council Management
PLATFORM ESTABLISHMENT…. Election of the Chairperson of the Management Committee was done democratically by the nominated Committee members
PLATFORM ESTABLISHMENT…. First meeting of the Management Committee was set on 17 th June 2014 so as discuss major issues of the Platform and matters arising from the April meeting
PLATFORM ESTABLISHMENT…. Issues discussed were making Platform Constitution, membership and Contributions
PLATFORM GENERAL MEETING Management Committee has planned to convene the General Meeting by October 2014 when the draft Constitution will be discussed for adoption by stakeholders
Markets: improved and continuous access to farm inputs; access to cereal markets other than maize; marketing of livestock and its products Capacity building: identification and measures to mitigate crop pests; prevention, early identification and treatment of livestock diseases; training in farming as a business, including value addition of farm produce, diversification of crops/economy; pasture management; proper training in research program activities to reach sustainability and wide adoption of technologies and practices Identified challenges to sustainable intensification April 2014
Land use: resolving conflicts between farming and livestock keeping; introduction of proper land use practices; improved pasture management Infrastructure: improved infrastructure for better market access; irrigation technology to reduce dependency of rainfall/rainfed crops Youth: training and incentives for youth to become farmers Identified challenges to sustainable intensification
PLATFORM KIND REQUEST Continued Financial support from Africa RISING during this stage before the platform comes into operation
VOTE OF THANKS Thanks to Project Chief Scientist Prof. Mateete Bekunda, Per Hillbur and Africa RISING for the continued support in establishing the Platform