Overview of DVR Process and Services Our purpose is to help people with disabilities to find and retain employment.
PRESENTERS Jack Osborne, MS, CRC Lead Rehabilitation Counselor Kristina Daniels, M.Ed. Rehabilitation Counselor NM Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 5301 Central Ave., NE Ste 1600 Albuquerque, NM
Rehabilitation Process Referral Intake appointment/Preliminary Assessment Determine Eligibility Comprehensive Assessment Develop Individual Plan for Employment Provide Services Job Placement & Support Participant rehabilitated-Case Closure Post-Employment Services if Needed
Application Eligibility IPE-service status Post Employment Services Employed 90 days = Successful closure ► ► ► ►
Central/San Mateo Office DVR Office for specific disabilities SDMI 3 DVR specialized caseloads; TBI 1 DVR specialized caseload; Deaf/Hard of Hearing 2 specialized caseloads Created through the efforts of consumers/advocates campaigning for the caseloads Monthly follow-up to monitor progress Flexibility to address individual needs (i.e. allow for missed appointments, drop-ins, increased length in meeting time, etc…) High Focus on customer service: personal contact via phone, reminder calls, direct assistance as needed Albuquerque has 4 other VR offices that are general caseloads for all eligible participants
SDMI CRITERIA DSM-IV-TR Diagnosis ▪ Duration- at least 1yr. Of documented diagnosis/symptomology ▪ Severity - at risk-homeless, hospitalizations, suicidal ideality ▪ Disability/Impact on daily living and impediment to employment; limited employability; public Assistance; lack of social supports; legal or mental health intervention
Application Eligibility IPE-service status Post Employment Services Employed 90 days = Successful closure ► ► ► ►
DVR Eligibility Requirements Physical or mental impairment Substantial impediment to employment Must be able to benefit from VR services Vocational Rehab services are required to achieve a successful employment outcome *An Eligibility Based Program*
Order of Selection By law, when NMDVR cannot serve everyone who is eligible for services, we must establish a process for selecting people to receive services as resources become available. This selection process (Order of Selection) must give first priority for services to individuals with the most significant disabilities. Cases are released as fiscal funding becomes available
Application Eligibility IPE-service status Post Employment Services Employed 90 days = Successful closure ► ► ► ►
Scope of Services Only the necessary services relevant to achieving employment Utilizing Comparable Benefits & Natural Supports Specific to the individual’s employment needs Examples: job development and placement, job coaching, training, supported employment, assistive technology
Application Eligibility IPE-service status Post Employment Services Employed 90 days = Successful closure ► ► ► ►
90 Days Employed Successful closure at 90 days or beyond Employed in the filed of identified vocational goal Work is stable Earning minimum wage (competitively employed) Participant is satisfied No other job-related support required After Closure- short term services can be requested and provided if required to: Maintain employment Regain employment Advance employment Available for up to 10 years after a client is successfully rehabilitated based on employment goal in the IPE Post-employment Services
Albuquerque Area DVR Offices Albuquerque Central Office 5301 Central NE, St Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque Lomas Office 111 Lomas NW, St. 422 Albuquerque, NM Rio Rancho Office 3791 Southern SE, St. 210 Rio Rancho, NM Albuquerque Quail Office 5205 Quail Rd. NW Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque South Valley Office 1710 Rio Bravo SW Albuquerque, NM
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