Blood is: 55% Plasma 45% Cells What is plasma?
Plasma is the liquid portion of blood
91.5% water. Transport medium. Plasma is: 91.5% water. Transport medium. 7% proteins, e.g., clotting factors, antibodies 1.5% other solutes, e.g., hormones,vitamins, amino acids, glucose, fatty acids, nitrogen wastes, electrolytes (Ca++, Na+, K+, H+)
What kinds of cells do we find in the blood?
Red Blood Cells (RBCs) = Erythrocytes >99% of total blood cells are RBCs ~5 million/ml Hb Fe Transport O2 and CO2 No nucleus when mature
Platelets = Thrombocytes Involved in blood clotting 150,000 – 400,000/ml
White Blood Cells (WBCs) = Leukocytes Defense system 5,000 – 10,000/ml There are 5 different types of WBCs
Neutrophils = PMNs = Polymorphonucleocytes or Poly’s Most abundant of the WBCs Phagocytic Kill bacteria
Basophils Release histamine. Their numbers increase in allergic reactions
Eosinophils Fight parasitic infections Some allergic reactions, esp. asthma, are the result of the malfunction- ing of eosinophils.
Lymphocytes Produce antibodies Fight viruses
What % of blood is plasma? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) 65 B.) 45 C.) 55 D.) 90 E.)
Monocytes Size-wise, is largest of the WBCs Phagocytic Large kidney-shaped nucleus
The blood cell that releases histamine in an allergic reaction is iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) neutrophil B.) basophil C.) esinophil D.) lymphycyte E.)
Important Hematology Lab Terms 1. CBC = Complete Blood Count Normal (nl) values: RBCs: 4.2-5.9 million/ml WBCs: 5,000-10,000/ml Platelets: 100,000 – 400,000/ml
CBC c diff (differential) Nl values: PMNs: 60-70% Lymphos: 20-25% Monos: 3-8% Eos: 2-4% Basos: 0.5-1%
Hematocrit (or ‘crit, if you want to sound cool) The percent of whole blood made up of red blood cells. Nl value: 40-50% Let’s run a virtual hematocrit
Hemoglobin – Hb Do you remember what hemoglobin is? A nl hemoglobin value is 12-16g/dl
WBC that fight viruses are iRespond Question F Multiple Response A.) Esinophils B.) Lymphocytes C.) Basophils D.) E.)
The most abundant kind of Leukocytes are iRespond Question F Multiple Response A.) Netrophils B.) Basophils C.) Monophils D.) Esinophils E.)
How many kinds of leukocytes are there iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) 4 B.) 5 C.) 2 D.) 3 E.)
The largest WBC is A.) Neutophils B.) Basophils C.) Monocytes iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) Neutophils B.) Basophils C.) Monocytes D.) Esinophils E.)