Activities Physical development Moving different body parts Physical play in the outdoors -experience movement and use outdoor equipment reinforcing rhymes eg Row Row, swinging songs, seesaw Marjory Door Extending the children’s physical skills and introducing new equipment in, the outdoor area Using balls and equipment to take turns and play games Up/down parachute games Moving to different types of music Exploring our bodies using TACPAC Fine motor skills- use pens pencils different sized brushes to make patterns and marks Cut and snip with scissors (hand over hand) Pick up hundreds and thousands and silver balls to decorate treasure chests Threading, stacking Building with blocks ICT Switch it programs Use of IPAD to take pictures of their peers RE/SMSC Opportunities to experience and enjoy the outdoor environment and to celebrate our achievements in physical activities. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Use of welsh to for colours, numbers, use of praise in planned physical activities Thinking Skills Choosing equipment appropriate to activity. Solve problems using a range of equipment and learn to share and turn- take. Topic: Colour and LightArea: Physical development Class: Red Date : Autumn 2014
ICT Skills Pupils will use ICT to enhance learning about themselves and physical activity- fine motor skills RE/SMSC Skills Be caring towards each other Encourage sharing, turn-taking. Value and celebrate the achievements of others. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Skills Developing simple vocabulary for praise and promoting welsh language Appreciate the places we can visit unique to our area Thinking Skills What will we need to play games encouraging pupils to make choices and to be supported to explore and experiment with the different ways in which it can be used. Class: Red Class Date: Spring 2015 Topic: Nursery Rhymes and Traditional TalesArea: Physical Development Foundation Phase Skills Develop awareness of 5 senses (smell, touch, hear see, taste) Engage in activities that assist control and coordination Use or supported to use a range of tools and equipment Be aware of moving in different ways and develop spatial awareness Take part in simple games Learn about their bodies and keeping healthy Be supported in becoming aware of the dangers in different locations eg hot porridge, holding onto rails on steps (Archie) Communicate need for help for help Learn to keep safe LNF Skills Literacy: Speaking and Collaboration Give a symbol/picture to obtain a matching desired item B Steps Picture object matching games Two items offered at snacktime to choose from. Pupil may have 2 pictures or symbols available and will have to select and give the picture for his preferred item. Could begin hand-over-hand. During continuous provision, pupil may be given pictures of possible activities available to choose from. He will then be taken to or given object chosen so that he is able to relate picture to object. Changes behaviour in response to interesting event nearby [RfL 25] Numeracy: using and Measuring Find the ‘big’ object from 2 otherwise similar items: where the difference in size is large and the activity is structured by an adult. B Steps Using a range of objects, balls, books teddies etc (could be from stories in topic eg bowls spoons from ‘Goldilocks) encourage child to pick either “big” or “small” as requested. Explore the distinctions between objects A steps Changes behaviour in response to interesting event nearby RFL 25 Selects from two or more items [RfL 36]