Joseph M. Rosen, M.D. April 17th, 2003 Engineering 005 Re-Designing Humans Part Two If Humans were built to Last Re-Designing Humans Part Two If Humans were built to Last
Summary of the Course: Re-designing Humans Form and Function (Sci Am March 2001) Technologies – surgery, robotics, virtual reality and genetic engineering Applications – walking, senses and internal organs and outward appearance Re-Design vs. Re-Evolution – changing future generations – Genes for Beauty
Critical discovery April 25,1953 Genotype is a function of the human genome:
human genome = DNA DNA is the template for RNA to make proteins:
Phenotype definition: Nature and Nurture in Humans Phenotype is the expression of nature and nuture in a species or individual Nature is what we inherit from generation to generation - genotype Nuture is our expression of civilization, culture, clothes, environment,surgery Human transformation – re-designing humans:
Lamarck and Nanosurgery: Operating on the Germline Surgery on the genotype to alter form and function Limitations of surgery, genome and robotics:
DNA and the Human Genome Genetic engineering could allow surgery to alter future generations This would dramatically alter choices for human evolution in both form and function Recent ability to make major changes in evolution:
Nanosurgery to change future generations by human choice Each cell has the potential to clone an entire person Hidden genes to express Wings, fins and other parts ? Nature’s information code for life’s expression:
Wings Lets Walk first before we Fly “ flying squirrel” Built to Last Lets ‘not’ age
Anti-Aging: Re-designing Humans Human purpose – The Selfish Gene 100 Years Young Person Designed for a Healthy Old Age
How do we walk – making avatar – virtual creatures Mike McKenna thesis work –first virtual humans :
Using Virtual Reality to teach us about Walking so we can Last Mike McKenna thesis work –first virtual humans :
If Humans were built to last: Flaws and Fixes
If Humans were built to last: List of Flaws – Walk this Way Bioweapons can effect the will of the nation through terror and the economy blowback risk to the enemy
If Humans were built to last: List of Fixes – Walk this Way Bioweapons can effect the will of the nation through terror and the economy BW have a potentially unique outcome –can change policy and military strategy
Re-Designing Humans Other Systems What other systems need to be modified to remain young Getting A Head Vision Hearing Trachea Esophagus Get a Plumber MaleFemale
If Humans were built to last: Flaws and Fixes-Plan a Head
If Humans were built to last: Call a Plumber - Male
If Humans were built to last: Call a Plumber - Female
Deformities versus Beauty: Re-Think role of Surgery Cosmetics – Operating on Normal people to make them ‘beautiful’ Curing Aging, Fatness, Culture Some Cultures change their phenotype (shape)
Surgical Recontruction for deformities is not Cosmetic Plastic surgery to alter the human form - skin:
Phenotype alteration through the clothes we wear Human transformation – re-designing humans:
Phenotype alteration through the masks and modifications Human transformation – re-designing humans:
Phenotype alteration through scarification and modification Human transformation – re-designing humans:
Cosmetic Surgery Next