Some Thoughts on Phase II for Target fabrication, injection, and tracking presented by Dan Goodin Georgia Institute of Technology February 5th & 6th, 2004
We have formulated a phased program to develop Fusion Energy Phase II start 2005 Phase III Engineering Test Facility ETF start 2014, operating 2020 Engineering Test Facility (ETF) 2-3 MJ, 60 laser beam lines High gain target implosions Optimize chamber materials & components. Generate 300 MW electricity from fusion Laser facility – full energy beam line hit injected targets Target facility inject IFE targets in chamber env R & D on other components Power Plant Design Develop Viable: Target designs, scalable laser tech, target fab/ injection, final optics, chamber concept Establish: Target physics, Full scale Laser technology, Power Plant design ? NIF Implosions 1.5 MJ laser Demonstrate ignition & gain Phase I: Mission Oriented R&D 2001 Target Design Modeling Laser/Target Experiments Lasers Electra KrF Mercury DPPSL Other Comp target fabrication target injection final optics chamber We are here ? Show Viability/Feasibility, Proof-of-principle, “credible pathway” Integrated fab/inject/track/hit w/simulated chamber Provide simplified injector for laser facility
Objective of this talk Describe specifics of what remains to be done in “Phase I” For target fabrication, injection, and tracking Overall objectives/purpose of Phase I Details of each process step & “grade” it’s readiness Describe specific proposals for “Phase II” Overall objectives of Phase II (readiness for ETF) Details of specific tasks and accomplishments
Objectives for Phase I for target technology A “credible pathway” for mass-producing 500,000 targets/day -Top-goal = convince a “High Level Review Panel”… -meet the requirements of target design & the power plant -show the targets can be cheap enough to make electricity (costing models, preliminary plant designs ) -build an injector to demonstrate basics of injection/tracking - handling and protection methods for direct drive (sabot) - velocity to traverse chamber and for thermal survival - accuracy of tracking in flight Materials property data Analyses and modeling Demonstration /validation experiments
Just starting Ready for Phase II What remains in Phase I? Remaining work in Phase I Capsules/overcoats Metal overcoats Filling with DT Layering Injection Tracking/beam steering Survival -Strength for acceleration -Heat flux effects Solve NC, roughness of overcoat issues, meet specs. Feasibility story “there” Property data and fill time Sphylinder with prototypical DT layers, cryogenic fluidized bed to show T uniformity en masse Demonstrate rep-rated sabot separation concept, & accuracy Demonstrate accuracy of in-flight tracking & define concepts for coordination of tracking/steering Measure DT strength as f(T, t) Analyses showing multiple success paths (limit chamber, phase change, insulating foam) Target Supply Steps Note: These are not “grades” on anyone’s work, these are judgments of how well we could convince a panel of experts of basic feasibility in an area right now.
We have proposed a Target Fabrication and Injection Facility (TFIF) Top-level goal = Validate the science and technology of full-scale components of an IFE power plant in an integrated system Key Features: Full cryogenic capabilities Interfaces and integration Repeatable and reliable What should be done in Phase II? Published: Tillack, Goodin, Alexander, Petzoldt, Raffray, Schroen, Sethian, Streit, “A Target Fabrication and Injection Facility for Laser-IFE” 20th SOFE, October , 2003, San Diego
1. Demonstrate manufacturing and characterization steps with processes scaleable to mass production. 2. Demonstrate cryogenic layering and target handling. 3. Inject and track cryogenic targets. 4. In-chamber tracking to address turbulence, gas density, “wind”. 5. Target survival in the (simulated) chamber will be demonstrated. 6. Demonstrate integration of tracking and beam steering systems Key SOW’s for the TFIF Layering interfaced to injector Microencapsulation w/prototypical equipment Gas-gun or EM injector Plus - DT materials property data and other selected studies would take place, as well as plant layouts and costing models updated with new R&D data
Phase I is intended to: -establish a “credible pathway” for every step of the target supply process -“High Level Review Panel” -perform key experiments, measurements of materials property data, and selected demonstrations Phase II will: -integrates subsystems (fabrication, injection, tracking, chamber, final optic) -validate full-scale prototypical components -provides a demonstration of target supply in burst mode -provide the data necessary to support the next step - to an ETF Summary Proposed TFIF for Phase II is extension of current injection and tracking facility