IRAN Angie Wei Ciara Nenni Ebba Anayah
Geography Tehran is Iran’s capital. Iran has a population of 76,923,300 people. Both male and female population are evenly divided Borders the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf Has a total land area of million. Sq km (which is slightly larger than Alaska) Total of 13 provinces
Government of Iran Government type: Islamic Republic; also known as Theocratic Republic Current president is Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad elected in 2009 Government lead by Shiite Muslims Has 3 branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial The president is the head of the executive Two main political parties are the United Front of Principalists and the Broad and Popular Coalition of Principalists
Economy Natural Resources: Petroleum, natural gas, coal, chromium, copper Agriculture: mostly wheat, rice, sugar beets, fruits, nuts, cotton Economy mostly based off of services (45%). Agriculture is 25% and 31% industry Iran’s exports are mostly petroleum and petrochemical products (80%)
Culture of Iran Ethnic Groups: 51% Persian, 24% Azeri (People from Azerbaijan, a countrey located just north of Iran), 8% Giuaki and mazandarani, 7% Kurd, and 2% each of Lur, Baloch, and Turkmen Religions: main religion is Muslim (98%- Of the Muslim population, 89% are Shia, and 9% are Sunni) There is also a small population of Jewish, Christian, and Zoroastrian, a religion that focuses on the importance of humanity, sanctity of the four elements, and the importance of righteousness. Zoastrian once dominated Iran, but decreased immensely after Islam invaders took hold of Iran.
Overthrow of Mossadegh of 19 August 1953 Mohammad Mossadegh was a Iranian political leader and the Prime Minister of Iran who supported the freedom of Iran during the time when Great Britain held the most of Iran. (18 th century-19 th century) Great Britain demanded much petroleum and natural gas. Mossadegh and many other Iranians found this unfair and fought for a “clean government” (Mossadegh) Great Britain still held hold of Iran. Great Britain warns Mossadegh about an invasion if this were not to be stopped. GB’s attempts fail. GB joined with US’s CIA and form a plot to overthrow Mossadegh. August 19, 1953: GB invades Iran and overthrows Iran’s gov’t successfully. Mossadegh escapes capture, but his home was burned to ashes.
Iranian Revolution Happened in 1979 The shah and dictator, Mohammad Reza, was not favored among the people. Many strikes developed during his reign. Ayatollah Khomeini was the leader of the revolution. He lived in exile in both Iraq and France. Khomeini became very powerful by having audiences of France and Britain. He spread his ideas through cassettes that were smuggled into Iran by small groups of people. There were many protests in 1978 to let Khomeini back into Iran, but the police killed seventy student protestors. He was an important figure in the Iranian revolution. The shah moved out of Iran on January 6th, 1979, followed by the minister. Once the shah left, Khomeini returned to Iran and the revolution was over. Ayatollah became the new leader of Iran.
Iran-Iraq War Sept. 22 Iraq invades Iran by land and air Main conflict: control of Shatt al Arab waterway (essential transportation path) Waterway runs along border Empties in Persian Gulf Iran attacked Kuwati oil tankers in Gulf “Operation Anfal” slaughtered people or forced them to relocate Many fled to Turkey 1.5 million died
Continued… Iran treaty accepted by Kuwati Kuwati withdrew all troops in Iran territory Exchanged back all prisoners of war Last exchange was recently done
Bibliography New York Times. "Iran." Iran News. New York Times, 29 Oct Web. 15 Nov "Flash." Iran Government. wbemaster, 23 Feb Web. 15 Nov N/A. “Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh Biography: The Mossadegh Project.” n/a. Rumi shirts. 15 November 2010 Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. “Background Note: Iran.” U.S. Department of State Diplomacy in Action. July 23, About 15 November 2010 N/A. “Iran demographics Profile 2010.” indexmundi. November 3, CIA World Factbook. 15 november 2010 Hooker, Richard. “The Iranian revolution.” Hines, Richard N/A. “Geography” n/a. 1 st, November, New York Times. 15 November 2010