TERRA VIRIDIS WITH LOVE FOR OUR EARTH… Earth, thou great footstool of our God, who reigns on high; thou fruitful source of all our raiment, life, and food; our house, our parent, and our nurse. - Isaac Watts
OUR LIFE! GOD, blesse this land who gave us everything! A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
What can you do? Give an example of responsibility, like us!
Make your town shine!
We try to make a difference! Every minute counts! This planet is not terra firma. It is a delicate flower and it must be cared for. It's lonely. It's small. It's isolated, and there is no resupply. And we are mistreating it. - Scott Carpenter, astronaut
Ce putem face din resturi?
On 13 th of september 2001 the first cave in happened in Ocnele Mari in second probes field. On 7 th of january 2002 the first eruption of the salt water took place and in july 2004 a second massive cave in happened. In december 2005 new cave ins tooked place and the salt water was discharged. This catastrophy left behind 123 families without their houses. În prezent, alte 54 de familii au casele în zona de risc şi trebuie strămutate. On 13 th of september 2001, the hills under wich were the salt deposits and wich, after years of exploatation were transfromed in huge caverns, collapsed with the houses that were above. The worst is that neither today the cave in didn’t top so we are expecting for this to hapen every day.
Be mindful! Husband the earth. Protect her from greed and violence. Build humbly, plant trees, grow flowers and clothe her with dignity. Respect all her creatures. Honour her natural laws and the universe which cradles her. Above all, heartily worship the Source of All that is. This world needs secret heroes! Be brave, speak the truth, heal the sick, make peace. Be strong, serve patiently, love generously, live simply. Enjoy fellowship, eat and drink modestly, celebrate the festivals. Breathe deeply, sing and make music, walk often, cycle and recycle. Be thrifty, prefer cashflow to possession, give good measure. Let your work be your prayer. Put on the whole armour of light! Unearth the beauty in everything. Inhale the Spirit of Goodness. Kindle kindness, especially toward yourself, embracing the sweet silence of your own soul. Fear nothing. Accept what you are and — while you have breath — give thanks. John Rogers
What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain... What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores?
prezentation : Pietrari School Teacher: Anamaria Sandulescu Students: Antoana Denisa Maria Stefaneanu Ovidiu Grigorescu Diana