© MORI Not to be used, reproduced or shown to any third party without the prior written permission of MORI The Big Listening - Living in Salford - Results Presentation to Salford City Council 12 th July 2005 by Sandy Ochojna, Nicola Moss
2 Objectives To establish base line data So that it can be tracked via a 6 monthly panel survey Benchmark Survey : A residents’ assessment of the city Basic health issues and perceptions of health services Introduction to the results
3 Fieldwork Self-completion questionnaire : 15,000 out – 2,030 back Return rate: 14% 21 February, 2005 – 29 March, 2005 Results balanced by 2001 Census (age, gender, ethnicity) to be representative at overall and community committee area levels
4 The Sample
5 Respondent Demographics : Gender & Age Gender Age Area (weighted data) Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
6 Born in Salford Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
7 Time in Salford area Lived in area 21+ years Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
8 Time at current address Lived at current address >15 years Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
9 Time at… …current address …Salford Area Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
10 Summary 44% of respondents were born in Salford 62% have lived in Salford for over 20 years Most stable populations : Irlam & Cadishead, Swinton Most transient population : Ordsall & Langworthy, North Salford
11 Salford : A City?
12 What makes a good city? Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
13 How does Salford perform? Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
14 Aspects of a good city – Importance compared to performance Not important and needs improvement Important and less in need of improvement Important and needs improvement Not important and less in need of improvement Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
15 What makes a City a good place to live in? Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
16 How does Salford perform? Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
17 Aspects of a good city – Importance compared to performance Important and less in need of improvement Not important and less in need of improvement Not important and needs improvement Important and needs improvement Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
18 Summary Salford is seen to need : –an obvious city centre –a high profile image –fine parks/open spaces –a good range of shops –nice residential areas –a healthy environment –efficient public transport –a dynamic City Council
19 Affinity towards Salford
20 Town where you live Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
21 Definition of Salford Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
22 Salford vs. other towns and cities Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
23 Salford vs. other towns and cities Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
24 Strength of belonging % very/fairly strongly 64% 44% 53% 45% 69% Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
25 Advocacy – how feel about Salford Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
26 Advocacy – how feel about Salford Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
27 Affinity by area Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
28 Impact of factors Net impact (% positive minus % negative) 87% 86% 83% 81% 70% 64% Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
29 One word to describe Salford Yellow bar = positive comment Green bar = negative comment Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
30 Salford compared to… Net opinion (% better minus % worse) 22% 10% -3% -9% -11% -15% -30% -62% Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
31 Summary Salford = Manchester 38% see Salford as a city in its own right 55% see it as part of Manchester Salford is on a par with Stoke-on-Trent and Derby Residents align themselves to their neighbourhood and Manchester, rather than Salford Salford means a run down place, with friendly people but with the potential to change
32 Neighbourhoods
33 Area compared to other parts of Salford Net average - % better minus % worse Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
34 Where living in 5 years time : commitment Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
35 Likelihood of living in same area in 5 years time Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
36 Summary Worsley & Boothstown North Salford Commitment to the neighbourhood –Irlam & Cadishead –North Salford
37 Salford People
38 Salford people… Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
39 Local people in my area… Net agreement (% agree minus % disagree) 16% 13% 8% -2% Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
40 Neighbour relations Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
41 Typical person in Salford Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
42 Typical person in Salford Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
43 Drivers to Advocacy Advocacy Strength of belonging Salford people have pride in their city Salford people are friendly Salford has a dynamic Council Salford has nice residential areas Salford people pull together Strength of belonging to Greater Manchester Salford people are happy to live in benefits 47% 19% 17% 14% 12% 11% -10% -8% Explain 52% of variation
44 Summary the people of Salford are perceived to be friendly and sociable they are also seen to be “working class” and dependent on state handouts there is a belief that people in Salford have little pride in their city and are apathetic about what happens in their communities
45 Health
46 Opinion of health Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
47 Smoking habits Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
48 Drinking behaviour Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
49 Opinion of weight Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
50 Types of exercise over the last week Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
51 Opinion of health Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
52 Opinion of health Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
53 Satisfaction with health services Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
54 Satisfaction with healthcare facilities Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
55 Improving quality of life or job prospects Base : All 2,030 (weighted)
56 Summary 45% consider themselves to be in very good health 26% smoke 34% drink regularly 56% consider themselves to be overweight there is least satisfaction with the provision of an NHS dentist (43%) compared to other health service provision, particularly in the area of Walkden & Little Hulton (28%) seven in ten respondents (69%) are satisfied with their local NHS hospital 77% are satisfied with their local doctor/GP service
57 So… Salford is seen to be : –a run down part of Manchester needing a city centre –a place with a history and the potential to change Attachment to the city varies across neighbourhoods Good health care is vital to the wellbeing of the city : 58%agree that Salford offers this : 77% are happy with their local services
58 So… Salford needs focus; socially & physically Expect the council to take the lead image building heritage & history local transport network