Urban Introduction National 5 Urban Changes in the Inner City[Date] Today I will: -Know how the Gorbals have changed over the last 50 years.
Urban Introduction National 5 Urban Gorbals before the 1950s
Urban Introduction National 5 Urban
Introduction National 5 Urban
Introduction National 5 Urban The changes in the Gorbals can be split into four categories: 1. Housing - High rise flats built to deal with overcrowding have been demolished. - New 2 storey brick tenements have been built with inside toilets, baths and parking spaces. - Some new houses for sale (not just renting) which means wealthier people move in. 2. Services - More services built for example a library, leisure centre and a health centre.
Urban Introduction National 5 Urban 3. Employment -New industrial estates were built to provide jobs -New college and hotel 4. Environment -New park -Less air pollution, mainly due to factories shutting down. Read pages 64 to 66 and answer the National 5 questions on page 67.