Setting the scene; unlocking our potential Myra Shackley
Is the church open? We have (as yet) no survey data about the number of churches in the Diocese of Ripon & Leeds which are regularly open. BUT a survey in Southwell Diocese suggested that: 18% of churches were always open >30% had a key-holder notice 20% were open ‘on request’ 10% were uninterested in church tourism 56% staged local concerts/events 12% staged regional concerts/events
Reasons for church tourism Church members often want to encourage church tourism because: It gives an opportunity to show a much- loved building to visitors Faith-based outreach and mission To generate cash To provide publicity for the church and its services To create a sense of community
Why should people want to visit a church? Visitors want to come to a church because: Interest in art, history, architecture etc. Habit ‘we always visit churches’ Sightseeing/Just passing by Attending a festival or event Food and drink Or for a combination of the above reasons, or none of them..
Visitor types? We often divide visitors according to their perceived motivation, for example: Worshippers (who pay or attend a service) Tourists (who just walk round) Visitor motivations?. Can be ‘hard’ or ‘soft’
‘SOFT’ MOTIVES Visitors might want: A place that is ‘unchanging’ A place to be quiet A space to pray Someone to talk to Information about faith Information about the church Information about the local community
Starting up Questions to be asked: WHY do we want to open this church? HOW are we going to provide access? WHAT do we need in terms of staffing, parking, interpretation and visitor facilities? WHERE are we going to get the resources?
Secrets of Success Successful church tourism needs: Adequate resources for promotion An active committee to plan visitor welcome and staff visitor access Key festivals or events that can be used to attract visitors One committed co-ordinator per parish
What impression do YOU want to give? The things visitors notice first are: Community information Music (presence/absence) Smell and light in the church Presence/absence of holiness
What are our options? Connecting with specific festivals and events? Building a church trail? Joint staffing of church opening within neighbouring parishes? Liaising with Diocesan and tourism organisations? Linking with local businesses and visitor attractions Looking for sponsorship Websites and Churches Tourism Organisation
Welcoming visitors to a church is a MISSIONARY activity which can have benefits for church, community and visitors. The best results come from projects focused on the ATMOSPHERE of the church, not just on the provision of INFORMATION, where careful thought has been given to the needs of both the church community and its prospective visitors. Common Ground?
Thank you for listening – enjoy the rest of the morning