Allows Merchants to extend credit up to 180 days without a credit check, provided the customer has good check writing history and proof of income.
No merchants are turned down due to credit/bank statements (leasing company may still decline, however). Merchant does not need to furnish bank statements or IRS forms. Merchant must furnish: Business license Voided check Driver’s license
Merchant must lease/purchase terminal and check reader No setup fee $7.00 application fee for single check conversion option (Up to $36,000.00) 1.5% +$0.20 fee for single check conversion
Financing terms: 45 days, 60 days, 90 days, 135 days, 180 days Limits/warranty fees: $0 - $1500 – 9% $ $2500 – 15%
Customer must present ID, paycheck stub and bank statement (if self-employed 3 Months BK’s) If customer has no NSFs in past 30 days, merchant receives full amount of funds If customer has 1 NSFs in past 30 days, merchant receives the down payment and the balance is “paid when payment scheduled” Guaranteed If customer has 1 or more NSFs in previous 30 days or does not meet minimum income requirement. Merchant will receive funds “paid when paid” NOT GUARANTED
Customer may request to have funds withdrawn weekly, biweekly or once a month Note: To be advanced Merchant must be choose weekly or bi-weekly mode.
Excluded merchants: Bankruptcy attorneys Pawn shops Credit repair agencies Coin dealers
Included merchants: Jewelry stores ($1, Max) Travel/vacations/timeshares Home-based businesses Clothing Car audio Full amount of used cars (processor does take a position on the title)
Transaction process Merchant: 1. logs into website 2. fills in application online, receives transaction number 3. faxes in bank statement or check stub along with transaction number 4. submits down payment check via check reader/terminal along with transaction number 5. receives approval notification within 10 minutes
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