Coping with Mental Illness and Crafting Public Policy Coping with Mental Illness and Crafting Public Policy January 12, 2002 Being There: Making a Commitment to Mental Health (November 2000) Young Hearts & Minds: Making a Commitment to Children’s Mental Health (October 2001 ) Toby Ewing, Project Manager Little Hoover Commission
The Little Hoover Commission Independent State Oversight Agency Bipartisan Advisory to the Governor & Legislature Nine public members Four lawmakers
Study Process Public Hearings Advisory Committee Meetings Site Visits Independent Research Interviews Policy Research
Little Hoover Commission Reviews Juvenile Justice Child Support Programs – 1997 Child Care – 1998 Foster Care – 1999 Adult Mental Health – 2000 Youth Crime & Violence – 2001 Children’s Mental Health
Shared Maladies Child and Family Programs Vision is often absent. Policy-making focuses on the margins. State and local leadership is not evident. Funding is not aligned with policy goals. Policies lack clear standards or expectations. Accountability is unavailable.
Shared Maladies Local, State and Federal Programs Policies and programs are not aligned. Responsibility for decisions, outcomes is unclear. Agencies are driven by distinct missions. Focus placed on the role, not the goal. Families unclear on who is in charge, who is responsible, where to turn for help.
The Adolescent “Bubble” 14% 13% 12% 10% 0% 11% Percent of Population
The Adolescent “Bubble” Number, In Millions
Serve Children and Families California does not fund, organize or administer services to comprehensively meet the needs of children and families.
Serve Children and Families Consistent care regardless of how the system is accessed. Comprehensive services to meet a full range of needs. Consistent care as children age or needs evolve. A single point of responsibility and accountability for outcomes. Services designed around long-term individual, family and community goals.
The Governor and the Legislature should ensure that no child or family suffers needlessly because state and local programs fail to work toward common objectives. The Legislation should: Establish policy goals. Establish an innovation project. Create a Secretary for Children’s Services. Form a multi-agency coordinating committee. Create mechanisms for local accountability.