Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Technical Workshop 2013 Esri International User Conference July 8–12, 2013 | San Diego, California Landscape Analysis Layers Pete Aniello
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Esri ArcGIS Online Content Portfolio Landscape Services are part of the AGOL content portfolio Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Landscape in the Living Atlas Help Us Understand and Analyze our World Landscape Analysis Layers People Demographics Energy Transportation Public Safety … Earth Earth and Land Climate and Weather Water and Oceans Natural Hazards … Life Ecosystems Biological Regions Protected Areas Species …
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. What are Landscape Analysis Layers? An Esri initiative to acquire, process and publish a collection of data useful for biogeographic analysis, natural resource management, land use planning and conservation - Initial effort will provide a set of data services for the US - Ultimately worldwide coverage - Focused on national and regional scales Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. What’s New? Esri is modernizing its content offerings by providing a large body of application ready data as services Feature Services Image Services Map Services Provide content that supports ANALYSIS as well as visualization Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Landscape Analysis Layers Product Vision Publication of useful data for landscape analysis and decision- making that works across the ArcGIS System ArcGIS Desktop Location Analytics/Viewers ArcGIS OnLine Web Map/Services Other Viewers & Apps Vector Data Raster Data Summarized Geographies Geodesign Landscape Data Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Value of Landscape Saves time and money User does not have to acquire, process, store, maintain essential data themselves Esri provides ready to use content - Input to models Will support premium data from providers - Storefront - Later in 2013 Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Planners Policy makers Scientists Analysts Educators Landscape Content Supports decision makers across many industries Modeling the land around us Physical Geography Layers Watersheds Elevation Slope Aspect NHD+ Soils Landforms Faults Wetlands Evapotranspiration Land Management Layers Federal Land Native Lands Cultural Geography Layers Roads Rail Flood risk Historic Sites Transmission Lines Pipelines Oil Shale Basins Coal Bed Methane Basins Earthquake Risks Bio-Geography Layers Critical Habitat Ecological Systems Land cover Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Ready to Use Landscape Analysis Layers Online Analytics Online GP Tools Location Analytics and Data Enrichment
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. What Data are we Seeking? Data that has a proven use case - Support for Key Performance Measurements (KPM) in Government - Support for Strategic Planning and Policy Development - Scale ranges that can support regional and national analysis - Esri would maintain this; larger-scale data would be served/maintained by provider - Cost and benefits considered for each layer Data that is considered authoritative - Measured, summarized, or modeled - Well documented - Currency is important The first question: What data services do you the customer need ? Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Organization of Landscape Data Layers Earth and Atmosphere Elevation and Landforms Surface and Ground Water Geology and Soils Climate People and Places Demography Heritage and Landmark Sites Ethnic and Tribal Areas Recreation and Tourism Land Use and Subsistence Patterns Plants and Animals Species and Biodiversity Ecology and Habitat Boundaries International Boundaries National and Subnational Administrative Boundaries Special Purpose and Designated Areas Resources and Infrastructure Renewable Resources Nonrenewable Resources Surface, Water and Air Transportation Energy Infrastructure Hazards and Threats Natural Hazards Pollution and Contaminants Insects and Disease Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Esri Evaluates and Documents the Quality and Integrity of Data - Review data via hardcopy plots, digital overlays - Identify layers that are likely to be correlated/integrated - Find the inconsistencies, problems with integrity, problems buried in process lineages - We employ a subcontractor to provide and independent evaluation of data - Provide quality assessments and recommendations to original authors Identify gaps in available data and find opportunities for adding value Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. What Changes Do We Make to the Original data? Minimal corrections to geometry or attributes (quick error fixes) Project to Web Mercator or North America Albers Equal Area Conic Convert Vector to Raster Clip to a Shoreline We may parse out a subset of data such as creating a raster for one soil parameter Summarize and aggregate data to useful geographies such as watershed or county We are careful to preserve the integrity of the original content Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Data Processing and Access Original Data Raster Data Summarized Geographies Services on AGOL Amazon Cloud Location Analytics Feature Image Geoenrichment Web Maps Desktop/GP Analysis Concept: No “Throw-Away” Data Map Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Rasterization Example SSURGO- Available Water Storage cm weighted average Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Location Analytics Within the Decision Process Landscape Analysis data supports full range of analysis scales Location Analytics Viewers ArcGIS Desktop Tactical Strategic Coarse Aggregation Fine Detail Fast Analysis Summary Level Reports Advanced Modeling Site Design Summarized Data Derived Layers & Thematic Maps Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Landscape Data in ArcGIS Online Demo Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Landscape Data in ArcGIS Desktop Demo Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Landscape Data in GeoEnrichment Services Demo Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Landscape Data in Landscape Analyst Demo Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Landscape Data in Landscape Modeler Demo Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. How do customers get access? Requires an ArcGIS Online subscription Discoverable through - ArcGIS Online - Featured groups - Map viewer (Add Esri map layers) - Atlas web pages - Samples, models published in Resource Center Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. What’s included in Landscape Landscape layers - Vector (Land ownership, geology, habitat, soils, etc) - Raster (Land cover, elevation, rasterized vector layers) Geoprocessing tools that work with the elevation services Web maps Geoenrichment packs for use with Location Analytics Sample Apps for Landscape (Damian) - Landscape Analyst - Landscape Modeler Supporting material (documentation, sample models, use cases) Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. At Beta all subscribers have access at no charge Charging in the form of credits may be implemented upon for final release Public Beta Release (starting now) Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Road Ahead – November Release End of public beta - All subscribers continue to have access - Credit consumption model in place ~25 additional layers for US market International expansion underway Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Contacts Project Manager: Randy Vaughan Technical Manager: Pete Aniello Questions? Landscape Analysis Layers
Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop.Landscape Analysis Layers