Collaborative Models of Education ADN-BSN Top Ten Countdown of Breakthroughs and Barriers Presented by: Tom McKay and Kathy Cruz-Uribe
The Ah Ha Moments … Breakthroughs! 1.We have at least 1500 nursing applicants on regional wait lists with over 60% having accumulated at least 100 units of lower division course work. 2.We had no pre-existing program issues to resolve before starting a program 3.The Chancellor’s Office special nursing project provided a sense of change happening in the CSU system 4.The recent Tricouncil position paper
I Have a Lump on My Forehead … Barriers 1.CCNE and a collaborative program 2. Potential apportionment issues with concurrent enrollment or co-enrollment 3.Is there a legitimate way to have a true collaborative program– still no answer 4.CSUMB faculty are wary of sacrifices to a new program
Drum Roll Please … Most Surprising Outcome Significant employer interest Significant student interest