COLLEGE QUESTIONS What role(s) do you play along the student life cycle? What are you currently doing to advance student retention? What opportunities are available to utilize data from the past two days? How can the System Office better serve/advocate on your behalf to successfully achieve or accomplish your college’s retention goals?
Data-Driven Decisions Best Practices KCTCS Initiative Upcoming Projects Q & A ENROLLED/RETENTION Discussion Points
DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONS Persistence+Progression+Retention=Completion/Graduation Student Engagement Developmental Education Success Rates Credentials Awarded – Increase Associate Degrees Persistence Definition & Rates KCTCS Institutional Intelligence (DSS) What are the questions you need to ask?
\ DATA, ANALYTICS, AND TECHNOLOGY Commitment to data integrity Data-informed decisions utilizing metrics that align to goals Comprehensive prospective and continuing student Relevant and accurate reports
BEST PRACTICES Involve the CASE Method (Copy And Steal Everything) Utilizing Change Management – What is your desired state? Valencia College Florida State University Project Graduate
LIFE MAP/VALENCIA COLLEGE Through LifeMap… students receive: connection and direction, the keys to persistence in college, achievement of their goals. LifeMap is the “brand name” to describe to students what they should do when, in progressing toward their educational and career goals.
WHAT BENEFITS WILL STUDENTS GET FROM LIFEMAP? LifeMap will enable students to: Learn how to plan and implement goals. Achieve career and educational goals in a shorter time. Understand how courses relate to personal goals. Use the college’s resources to implement their plans (faculty/staff, programs, services). Stay in school and complete their degree.
ORIGIN OF LIFEMAP Faculty teams studied and discussed Developmental Advising Student motivation is key to learning. Relating student goals to course learning goals will enhance student learning Developed and piloted instructional strategies into the curriculum Student Services and faculty teams developed learning tools to make educational and career planning more concrete for students
ACADEMIC MAP “FSU formed a cross-campus retention team that met weekly “to go over, not the data, but the students within the data.” Larry Abele, former Provost at Florida State University
© 2013 THE EDUCATION TRUST Supported by Institutional Research Chief Academic Officer convenes the group and participates Core Services: admissions, registration, financial aid, career services, housing, health center, and withdrawal services Academic Programs: undergraduate studies, honors program, undergraduate research, library services, and fellowships Support Programs: orientation, advising and coaching, tutoring and study skills courses, and special programs for underserved populations Student Representation: Student government representative. It is important to have this group because it helps student buy-in and can bring in additional funds for programs Cross-Campus Success Team: A group of approximately 20 professionals from these areas convenes weekly to talk about data and the students within the data. The group makes detailed action plans with specific tasks, responsible parties, and concrete deadlines Florida State University’s Cross-Campus Success Team
PROJECT GRADUATE U of Mexico Graduation Project Offer: – shortened (and free) application for re-admission, – degree summary showing exactly which courses short, – priority enrollment in those courses, and – help with problems along the way.
KCTCS PROJECT GRADUATE Students that attended, include certificates, exclude diplomas and associate degrees. Not including dual credit students, no incarcerated Include Workforce Solutions Exclude fire rescue students Past five years, excluding those enrolled in Spring 2013, not pre-registered for fall 2013 and summer 2013 Earned 30 credit hours at a KCTCS college
TOP-RANKED PRACTICES Academic support programs and services Programs targeted to first year students Mandatory advising, one-on-one and face-to-face Providing each student with a written academic plan/roadmap of remaining courses needed Two-Year Colleges
KCTCS INITIATIVE Persistence+Progression+Retention=Completion/Graduation President McCall’s Initiative Moving from Access to Success Systemwide Focus First Year Experience
UPCOMING PROJECTS Go KCTCS Student Service Center Retention Technology & Strategy Starfish Admissions, Records/Registration (Inbound)
RETENTION TECHNOLOGY AND STRATEGY Identify gaps in support for learners Recommend and implement strategies Identify and support at-risk students Improve faculty/student affairs collaboration Train on Starfish
STARFISH SOLUTIONS Early Warning & Student Tracking System Student concerns can be manually flagged when observed or through periodic surveys. Automatic flags are raised based on online grade book data. Recommendations can be communicated to the student. Appropriate personnel are informed of flags raised and cleared. Close the loop with faculty when progress is made. Slide 19 Educational Support Networking System Each student has personal My Success Network of instructors and campus staff. Online scheduling for in-person meetings – both individual and group appointments. Appointment confirmation by . Documentation of contact with students through private and shared notes. Service catalog of available campus support resources.
ADMISSIONS, RECORDS/REGISTRATION Provide readily available support to learners Minimize barriers to learning and retention Target student services Provide self-service functionality Admissions Tracker Provide Tier I and self-help student services Provide technical infrastructure Develop training
THERE IS MORE TO COME… Thank you Dr. Michael Krause System Director Student Engagement 63303