1 Real World Vocabulary I What you don’t know can cost you, in time and money.
2 Introduction Making future plans is hard without the tools. Knowing the vocabulary of future planning really helps.
3 With a well-developed plan, it’s more likely that you’ll get where you want to go.
4 Levels of Post-secondary Education Community College Programs Four-year College Programs Graduate Programs
5 Vocabulary Certificate Program Associate’s degree THEA Developmental Courses Full-time student Financial Aid: Loans, Grants Bachelor’s degree Graduate school
6 Community College Programs Certificate Programs Associate’s Degrees THEA Developmental Courses Financial Aid Full-time Student
7 Four-year College Programs Transferring from one school to another Bachelor’s Degrees Some jobs demand bachelor’s degrees: -accountant -many corporate jobs -teacher -many health occupations
8 Tuition Reimbursement Many companies repay to employees the cost of higher education if that training will benefit the company itself. Reimbursement means that you have to pay up front (or take loans), then the company pays you back once you’re done with the degree/certificate.
9 Graduate Programs Advanced degrees (master’s and doctoral degrees) are required for positions in law, medicine, and many other fields. M.A./M.S. Ph.D. M.D. J.D.
10 Why even go to college? Better choice of job areas Better pay in many cases Entry-level positions Prove that you can finish something you start.
11 Requirements for college-level work: A well-defined plan (why are you doing this?) A serious approach to college level work COLLEGE IS NOT EASY! Rule of thumb: three hours of study for each hour spent in the classroom. Self-motivation Wise use of resources.
12 Where to Get More Information Teachers, counselors Libraries, internet Job websites: look at qualifications required for jobs in your area of interest. People who have jobs in your area of interest. Adults love to talk about what they do; ask questions, even if you think you should know the answer already.
13 Contact Mr. Gross