Survival in the Academy
History of the University Ministers and Native American Education Elite Education G.I Bill, Land Grants, and Financial Aid
Where do you want to go? Tier 1 research Teaching Junior College
What is the purpose of tenure?
Politics How important is it really? Understand the power structure Make allies take sides Develop research and publications – This should probably be at the top of the list Cultivate teaching skills Make moreal decisions Be prepared to deal with moral and political issues –self awareness
Nontraditional Faculty Members
The Job Talk Determine your priorities Gather materials Begin interview prep Organize application materials Examine the job markets Listserves and professional organizations Doctoral consortiums Presentations
Professionalism Service to the university Committees Service to the profession Editing Reviewing Etc Being an expert Cogent (Detailed and complex) Current Useful Publish
Research and Publication Difference between research and publication Is there really a difference? Motivations 50% at research institutes with no pubs Attitudes How important are resources? How important are qualifications
Focus Identify questions “you believe” are in need of resolution Determine what gives coherence to this set of questions Think about the advances in knowledge that can be gained Establish priorities for investingating these questions Recognize limitations to your ability to answer these questions Proceed with specific porhectis in some determined order Be prepared to make personal sacrifices others are not willing to make and for which you will receive some criticism
Execute Publish Where to publish? Is it worth sending a C article to an A journal?
Institutionalization How institutionalized are universities? Is this a bad thing?
Remember when… “Rules change and the game changes (like the 2-point possibility after a touchdown or the width of the goal- posts)” “CD-Roms and ftp…if you are not familiar with these two terms you are five years behind” “Many of my colleagues ask me how they can get their students online” When I ask them why, they respond, “because they want to get into the trend”