REVIEW OF MODAL VERBS (For more details and exercises study units 26-37)
Can, could, be able to Used for permission and ability Note that could is used to describe a general ability in the past (He could speak five languages when he was a child) To be able to/to manage are used in a more specific situation: (We didn’t know where David was, but we managed to find him/were able to find him in the end.)
To express a deduction in present and past You must/can’t/may/might be tired You must/can’t/might/may/have known about it. Note to express a deduction in the present use (can) + (bare infinitive) To express a deduction in the past use (must) + have + (past participle)
To express possibility in the future: may/might When you aren’t sure about something you are going to do in the future: I may/might go to London this summer.
Obligation: have to/must Usually have to is used to express an external obligation like a law: People have to wear seatbelts. Usually must is for something you must do: I must go to the doctor’s. Mustn’t is to express a prohibition: You mustn’t smoke in this area. Don’t have to is to express no obligation: Students don’t have to attend the exercise classes.
Should This modal is usually used to give advice or an opinion: You should go to bed if you’re tired. The government should do more to reduce crime. Sometimes “ought to” can be used instead to emphasise the advice or opinion.
Requests, offers, permission and invitations Can you wait a moment please? (request) May I have these postcards, please? (request) Could I use your phone? (permission) Would you like a cup of tea? (offer) Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening? (invitation)
Don’t have to Sometimes you can also say “don’t need to” or “needn’t do” in the same way as “don’t have to”.