Future Tense
Key Words for Future Tense Next … Tomorrow In … On … At …
Two main ways to write the future tense BE GOING TO and WILL Subject + be + going to + verb Subject + will + verb
Situations to use Will + verb First situation: Quick decision made now for future action (not a plan, not prearranged) I will buy this shirt. Examples:
Situations to use Will + verb Second situation: Voluntary offers to do something for someone and requests (asking someone to do something) Will you help me finish my project? I will help you. Class examples:
Situations to use Will + verb Third situation: Scheduled events We will take a trip next year. Class examples:
Situations to use Will + verb Fourth situation: Promises If you help me study, I will buy you ice cream. Class examples:
Contractions with will I will = You will = He will = She will = It will = They will = We will = My friend will = Jose will = Maria will = The future will = Students will = Everyone will not =
Review: “Will” can be used for offering help. How can you respond in the following situations? 1.The telephone is ringing. I’m in the shower. 2. My car won’t start. 3. I have to be at work right now, and the babysitter isn’t here. 4.Your music is too loud. I can’t sleep. 5.My books are so heavy. My back feels like it’s breaking! 6.I don’t understand this math problem. 7.I have a job interview in New York, but I don’t know how to get there.
Be + going to + verb+ going t+ verb Examples:
Be + going to + verb I am going to get married next week. It’s going to snow on Monday. Class examples:
Contractions I am going to = You are going to = He is going to = She is going to = It is going to = We are going to = They are going to =
Writing Practice Change to future: going to + verb 1.They (take) a vacation next year. 2.She (study) art at San Diego State University. 3.We (have) a party next weekend. 4.I (buy) a new car. 5.The boyfriend and girlfriend (get) married. 6.He (look) for a new job. 7.The boss (give) everyone a pay raise. 8.One student (be) absent tomorrow. 9.I (no spend) any more money.
Use either will or be going to – you choose Either will + verb or be going to + verb can be used for PREDICTIONS about the future Prediction =
In five years, where do you imagine yourself? Will you be in college? What job do you think you will have? Will you still be living in New Jersey? Write a paragraph in the future tense describing what you think your life will be like five years from now.