WordSkills Lesson 6
agog demagogue –demos (people) agog (leader) pedagogy –ped (child) agog (leader) y (result of) synagogue –syn (together,with) agog (lead) lead
anthrop anthropology –anthrop (mankind) logy (study of) philanthropist –phil (love, fondness) anthrop (mankind) ist (one who) anthropomorphic –anthrop (mankind) morph (shape) ic (having characteristics of) mankind
arch (archae) anarchy –an (lacking, without) arch (rule, government) y (result of) archaic –archae (old) ic (having the characteristics of) archaeology –archae (ancient) logy (study of) Old, ancient, rule, government
bell rebel –re (back, again) bell (fight) belligerent –bell (war) ger (make) ent (full of) antebellum –ante (before) bell (war) war, fight
brev brevity –brev (short) ity (state of) abbreviate –ab (very) brev (short) ate (make) brevet –brev (short) et (small) – miltary honor without a pay increase short
cap (cip, cept) capture –capt (seize) ure (state,act) recipient –re (back) cip (grasp) ent (full of) perception –per (thoroughly) cept (seize) ion (act of) seize, grasp
centri egocentric –ego (self) centr (center) ic (having the characteristics of) centrifugal –centri (center) fug (flee) al (related to) centrosphere –centr (center) sphere (circle) – core of the earth center
derm dermatologist –derm (skin) log (study) ist (one who) epidermis –epi (over, on) derm (skin) dermatogen –derm (skin) gen (start) – outer layer of meristem from which epidermis is formed skin
fer ferry –fer (carry) conference –con (together) fer (carry) ence (state of) odoriferous –odor (odor) fer (bear, produce) ous (full of) carry
fract (frag) fracture –fract (break) ure (state of, quality) fragment –frag (break) ment (result of action or process) refractory –re (back) fract (break) ory (pertaining to) break
geo geography –g–geo (earth) graph (write, record) y (result of) geometry –g–geo (earth) metr (measure) y (result of) geomorphic geo (earth) morph (shape) ic (having the characteristics of) earth
grad (gress) gradual –grad (step) al (related to) aggressive –ag (to,toward) gress (go) ive (that which) egress –e (out) gress (go) step, walk, go
grat grateful –grat (thank) ful (full of) congratulations –con (with) grat (please) tion (act, process) gratuity –grat (thank) ity (act of) please, thank, favor
it exit –ex (out) it (go) circuit –circ (circle) it (go) transit –trans (across) it (go) go, travel
junct junction –j–junct (join) tion (act of) conjunction –c–con (together) junct (join) tion (act of) disjunctive –d–dis (apart, away) junct (join) ive (that which) join, connect
labor laborious –labor (work) ous (full of) collaborate –col (together) labor (work) ate (make,do) elaborate –e (out) labor (work) ate (make,cause) work
mal malice –mal (bad) ice (act of) malevolent –mal (bad) vol (choose) ent (full of) malfunction –mal (wrong, poorly) funct (do) tion (act of) bad, wrong, poorly
naut (nav) nautical –naut (sail) al (related to) astronaut –astro (star) naut (sail) naval –nav (sail) al (related to) sail
path apathy –a–a (without) path (feeling) y (result of) pathology –p–path (disease) logy (study) pathogen –p–path (disease) gen (begin, start) feeling, disease
pugn pugnacious –pugn (fight) ious (full of) pugilist –pugn (fight) ist (on who) repugnant –re (back) pugn (fight) ant (that which) fight
scop telescope –tele (distant) scop (look) periscope –peri (around) scop (look) stethoscope – stethos (chest) scop (look) look
tain (ten, tent) contain –con (together) tain (hold) tenure –ten (hold, keep) ure (state, act) retention –re (back) tent (keep) tion (act of) hold, keep
therm thermal –t–therm (heat) al (related to) thermodynamics –t–therm (heat) dynam (power) ics (science of) thermostat –t–therm (heat) stat (stand, stop) heat
verb verbose –verb (word) ose (having the quality of) verbalize –verb (word) ize (make, do) verbatim –verb (word) word
volv (volu) revolve –re (again) volv (turn) convoluted –con (together) volu (turn) volume –volu (turn) Turn Note: a book is called a volume because a scroll was rolled or turned