Building a Resilient Team
What is Resiliency The ability of individuals, families, workgroups, and organizations to thrive and adapt – Core Beliefs – Capability – Supportive Community – Climate
Resilient Workplace Climate Valuing Expressing hope and enthusiasm Acknowledging strengths Making active connections with others
Valuing Listening to what others have to say Making Positive Comments Showing Appreciation Offering small acts of kindness
Expressing hope and enthusiasm Being optimistic Showing positive anticipation and expectation Referring to obstacles we face as temporary Re-framing a situation in positive terms Helping change mood from negative to positive Demonstrating excitement Curiosity/openness Expressing hope
Acknowledging Strengths Acknowledging progress or positive movement Noticing positive cause and effect Referring positively to individual skills Competencies Abilities and potential
Making active connections with others Cooperating and collaborating Including others in a positive way Showing empathy Connecting others and to others
Small Group Exercise Brainstorm practices, things you can do or say, which can promote, sustain, or develop a resilient climate in your workgroups Take five minutes After five minutes, let’s get back together and share our ideas.