Welcome ASL 3! You may sit in teams (no semi-circle needed) ***Doorbuster: Share 2 things you did this weekend (PAST WEEKEND ME #DO, …) By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com
ASL WORD ORDER TIME OBJECT SUBJECTVERB YESTERDAYSTORE ME GO “I went to the store yesterday.” Subject Verb Object “I went to the store yesterday.” ENGLISH WORD ORDER Welcome! ASL 1 & 2 Written Doorbuster (5 min.)- shhh!!! Copy the notes into your comp. books, then do exercise A. ASL vs. English Word Order Exercise A: Copy each of these 8 signs, and label them as TIME (T), OBJECT (O), SUBJECT (S), OR VERB (V) SCHOOLSTUDY NOWYOU JUMPPAST WECAFETERIA NOTES EXERCISE A
ASL WORD ORDER TIME OBJECT SUBJECTVERB YESTERDAYSTORE ME GO “I went to the store yesterday.” Subject Verb Object “I went to the store yesterday.” ENGLISH WORD ORDER Welcome! Written Doorbuster with Answers shhh!!! Copy the notes into your comp. books, then do exercise A. ASL vs. English Word Order Exercise A: Copy each of these 8 signs, and label them as TIME (T), OBJECT (O), SUBJECT (S), OR VERB (V) SCHOOL (O)STUDY(V) NOW (T)YOU (S) JUMP (V)PAST (T) WE (S) CAFETERIA(O) NOTES EXERCISE A
Hand Squares- Show me yours! Hand Squares (daily grade): Decorate as you wish (drawings, photos, pictures, etc.). Include: name, period, and at least 3 interests/hobbies/likes. Then, tape it to the “ILOVEYOU” handshape on the back board Also, do your self-assessment in your Daily Grade Record Sheet for last week. ASL 2- have a phrases handout per team- do you know how to sign most/all of them already?
1. Written Doorbuster 2. Hand Squares- show me yours! (also, self-assess-Daily Grades) 3. Volunteer fingerspelling tests 4. Policies and Procedures- 1. IDs (must have around your neck to enter) 2. Tardies 3. Restrooms (none first/last 10) 4. Checks and Action Slips 5. Upcoming Tests ASL 1 Today--
ASL 2 Today Written Doorbuster 2. Hand Squares- show me yours! 1. Phrases paper, self-assess Daily Grades for last week 2. Policies and procedures 1. ID (must have around your neck to enter) 2. Tardies (begin work immediately, tardy calculator) 3. Restrooms (none first/last 10, signing time) 4. Upcoming Tests 5. Checks, Action Slips