T HE P EARL Review notes from each chapter Review wiki discussion Review any notes taken from the book Know main characters and descriptions Know plot line and story events Review Study Guide
G RAMMAR - S UBJECT /V ERB A GREEMENT Subjects and Verbs have to agree in Number Singular sub=singular verb Most singular verbs end in –s Subjects are never in a prep phrase KNOW THE INDEFINITE PRONOUNS! Some are always singular, some are always plural, some can be either or. Indefinite pronouns that can be either singular or plural – number is determined by the antecedent Some of the cookies (is/are) in the kitchen. Some of the cake (is/are) in the kitchen.
S UB /V ERB AGREEMENT CONTINUED Compound subjects joined by and = Plural EXCEPT- PBJ rule (items are considered one thing) and if Each/Every precedes subject) Compound subject joined by or/nor = number determined by subject closest to the verb S and P = P P and S = P P and P = P S and S = P S or S = S S or P = P P or P = P P or S = S
S UBJECT V ERB A GREEMENT C ONTINUED Collective Nouns as subjects take a PLURAL when working as individuals. Collective Nouns as subjects take a SINGULAR when working as ONE UNIT Examples of Collective nouns Jury, Committee, Team, Family, Herd Some nouns that end in –s are Singular (certain areas of study ) EX: statistics, economics, civics, physics
P RONOUN A NTECEDENT A GREEMENT Same rules as Subject/Verb agreement, expect they also have to agree in gender Same rules about indefinite pronouns (some always singular, some are always plural, some can be either) Same rules about compound antecedents (or=pick the closest antecedent to determine number, and =plural) Trickiest part has to do with indefinite pronouns- remember, everyone/everything/e- etc are SINGULAR and need a singular pronoun. EX: Each girl took off (her/their) coat.
G RAMMAR CAPITALIZATION /P UNCTUATION Review all notes from the grammar page Questions are set up as true/false, Correct/Incorrect For capitalization- two words are underlined, pick which one has to be capitalized
S HORT S TORY U NIT “Go Deep to the Sewer” “Fly Away” “The Machine that Won the War” “A Sound of Thunder” - Know authors and key details from the stories. - Stories can be found online on the Assignments page.
F AHRENHEIT 451 Review old study guides for Parts 1, 2, 3 Know the main events in the story and the plot line Review wiki discussion Afterward, Coda and Interview are NOT included on the final
MLA MLA formatting for a paper (look at wiki for the example or OWL page) 1” margins, Times New Roman size 12, all double spaced, title centered, heading (left side, your name, teacher, class, date) header (right side, last name number) Internal citations (like in your mythology paper) Information that is not yours needs to be cited. Paraphrases are cited. Paraphrases are your words with someone else’s information. They don’t go in quotations. Internal citation comes after the info. Includes “direct quote” (Smith 5). Or paraphrase (Smith 5). Remember, period comes at the very end. No commas.
MLA – WORKS CITED PAGE Works cited is the list of sources cited internally Double spaced Hanging indent for second lines Alpha order Complete citation Review OWL website (can be found on wiki or through library homepage)
V OCABULARY AND M YTHOLOGY Of the 40 vocabulary words on the study guide, some will be on the final Definition only Matching Mythology- 10 will be on the final Title of the character only Most common title used
B REAKDOWN OF TEST QUESTIONS Capitalization- 10 (MC) Short story unit- 16 (T/F, MC) F (MC, quotes) Vocab- 30 (MC, 2 sections of 15, definition only) The Pearl – 15 (MC, T/F) Agreement- 20 (MC) Mythology- 10 (Matching-titles only) Punctuation- 20 (T/F) MLA- 10 (T/F) I will delete 50 questions from this breakdown.
REMEMBER!! You have seen most of the final already The final is cut/copy/pasted from your tests Review the class website for all links/files/supplements Everything that we’ve done this trimester is online Review the tests in your portfolio You may take notes, you may NOT take the tests out of the room (either physically or electronically)
P ORTFOLIO Essays to KEEP in portfolio Personal experience essay (tri A only) TKAM lit analysis essay (tri A only) Poetry Portfolio (tri A only) Mythology research paper Persuasive essay TESTS in your portfolio Capitalization/punctuati on test Mythology test Handed out in class Agreement test F451 Pearl SS unit