Welcome to Save the Children’s Presentation on Household Economic and Food Security of Extreme Poor me to Save the Children’s Presentation on Household.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Save the Children’s Presentation on Household Economic and Food Security of Extreme Poor me to Save the Children’s Presentation on Household Economic and Food Security of Extreme Poor nomic and Food Security of Extreme Poor Welcome to Presentation on Scaling up Household Economic Security Model in Phase 1 Lesson Learning Workshop, EEP/Shiree Organized by Caritas Bangladesh April 22-24, 2012

Extreme Poor, Food and Nutrition insecurity, extreme deprivation, fatalistic attitude, socially excluded Current Situation Threshold of extreme poverty MS-1 Ability to Meet dietary requirements and basic survival needs 12 th Month HH level Micro-Plan, Link with Safety net, Immediate Cash Transfer MS-2 18 th Month Productive assets and skills transfer MS-3 Improved Health and Nutrition status, Food Utilization 24 th Month Awareness on health and nutrition, watsan, Linkages for basic services, entitlements MS-5 Movements towards self sustain 48 th Month Community level mechanisms, Linkages, Continued support MS 6 Reduction of Poverty, Food & Nutrition Security Tk 28/person/ 2007 pr. 60 th Month Movement out of Extreme Poverty (Tk 22 per capita per 2007 prices) MS-4 Diversification of livelihoods, Coaching and mentoring, Disaster preparedness Training and linkages MS-4 Movement out of Extreme Poverty (Tk 22 per capita per 2007 prices) 36 th Month 2 Household Economic Security (HES) Model

Key Features of HES model Household based economic interventions Linking and leveraging: Government, NGOs, other services/facilities Providing temporary financial assistance, promoting social linkages Strengthening livelihood option/IGAs, income diversification Promoting women friendly livelihoods options Promoting viable and resilient livelihood options Monitoring trigger indicators on Early Warning System(EWS), HH emergency preparedness and DRR actions

Critical steps Selection of extreme poor households in 5 stages Development of household micro plan Linkages with safety net, basic services and facilities Finalize input schedule and delivery plan alongwith HHs Skills and asset transfer, coaching, mentoring and business counseling Household performance tracking, progress and impact monitoring

Phase 1 Project : Household Economic and Food Security of Extreme Poor Bagerhat District: 3 Upazilas 22 Unions 282 villages 7,746 BHHs Khulna District: 3 Upazilas 25 Unions 437 villages 6,742 BHHs

Consideration livelihood inputs and IGAs General context Livelihood zones – mixed Mapping of institutions, organizations and service roviders Wealth ranking and examining livelihood means/IGAs Specific for the selected HHs Household Micro planning – decision on livelihood inputs/IGAs IGA categorization, IGA viability and resilience analysis Linking and leveraging services and facilities andtechnical providers and local entreprenuers

Sector wide livelihood inputs category

HH Livelihood inputs: Sector wise Viability and Resilience Status Most viable and resilient to less viable and less resilience livelihood inputs

Innovation for dependant households ! Many extreme poor households lack an able-bodied family member, making it hard to identify suitable income-earning activities. 9 Household with no able-bodied member, but a small of land, develops a productive garden with an able-bodied neighbor. Regular source of income is not impossible through CSG’s support HOW LONG, WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY, ETHICAL QUESTION,

Progress at Outcome Level

Capacity building and Coordinated efforts at all levels are essential to benefit BHHs Periodical training, continuous updates and feedback with planned follow up actions has helped staff committing for the deliverables Regular Courtyard sessions raised awareness and practice good habits UDMC periodical meeting has helped BHHs to share their needs related to DRR plans and actions

Lessons learned during Phase 1 Context analysis helped to set operational strategies/plans Understanding of selection criteria needs ground experience of working with extreme poor Addressing gender based inequality is necessary for sustainable graduation Micro planning involving all members including children has ensured participation and build confidence of staff and HHs Planned delivery of productive assets, relevant skills, social awareness can improve HH performance

Lessons learned during Phase 1 Continuous engagement through local Community Mentors and Community Support Groups has helped households to make decisions and seek support The tools are found to be highly effective and ensured transparency and accountability of project deliverables Involvement of local government institutions, local entrepreneurs and government service providers is found playing an important role for the HHs Knowledge and practice of emergency preparedness, disaster risks reduction measures are found reducing vulnerabilities and preventing loss and damage Proper monitoring and evaluation, research, assessments and lesson learning improves interventions and can help evidence based policy advocacy- within and outside the organization