Auckland Council Housing for Older Persons’ Service Age-Friendly Cities Forum. ADCOSS 27 August 2015
Housing for Older People Service (HfOP) Provide safe, secure, accessible affordable housing to low income older people Support “Ageing In Place”
Ageing In Place Homes in the community Coordination of services and support Connection to others Subsidised rental Village environment Easy care, low maintenance
Our assets There are currently 1,412 rental units across 67 villages North – 458 units South – 686 units West – 268 units Owner-occupier Units There are 157 owner- occupied units
Demand-Population Trends In next twenty years expect Additional 50% more people aged over 65 Increase in one-person households Large increases in the number of people living in more communal, non-private dwellings Currently there are around 400 people on wait list for HfOP 5
HfOP Portfolio Condition-Funding Need Portfolio valued at $156 m Most of the housing was built in the 1960s and 1970s: 38% needs significant upgrade in size and amenity Increased renewals spending $1.3m 2014, $1.6m 2015 and $3.8m 2016 ACPL seeking compatible Community Housing sector partner 2016 to access upgrade/redevelopment funding 6
Dallington Court Refurbishment l $1m refurbishment 24 units March-June 2014 Insulation Heating and ventilation New kitchen and bathroom Better cupboards Walk-in showers Hand rails New paint and flooring
8 Upgraded Units
Standardise Service 2013-date Develop one level of HfOP service for all Aucklanders 2013 standardise level of Coordinator support 2015: Standardised rent at 30% gross income (27% net if Accommodation Supplement paid) : Developing standard eligibility criteria based on best practice appropriate to Auckland.
Resident Engagement Improve wellbeing Facilitate connection within villages, neighbourhoods and with agencies Collaborate with 32 partners (some Local Board funded) to enable local connection
Neighbourhood Support Falls preventions Intergenerational Forum Pet Therapy Eating Well Resident Engagement Examples
Tenant Participation We can listen to our residents more renewals spending informed by customer survey: security, footpaths and kerbs, and internal refurbishment transition to more active and interactive engagement
Long Term Plan Consultation rounds of consultation through meetings and feedback 65 meetings Dec: 734 residents 26 meetings Mar: 340 residents 128 pieces of quality resident feedback informed understanding of decision makers Led to improved rent outcome for residents
Tenant Participation North- facilitating feedback on proposed bus routes IDOP 2015-Reps for Henderson and Devonport Wiri: consultation on security gates Otara Community Guardians
Tenant Participation Possibilities Feb 2016 consultation on partnership proposal May 2016 renewals feedback group Develop active feedback plus customer survey feedback 2017: Tenant rep group?
We Can Be More Age Friendly