Lisa Almond FMS 2015
CFR 2014/15 Spring 2015 Tidying FMS users FMS Contents
CFR 2014/2015 o All reports updated o Error if Capital Income has a negative balance o Warning for negative balances on B01, B02, B03, B05, B06
Spring 2015 Upgrades for your school will commence w/b 18 th May Solus 2 upgrades school servers overnight If an upgrade needs to be run manually we may contact you to arrange this. This will only involve a short interruption to FMS users and does not affect Sims in any way
Spring New Reports 2 new reports have been created based on feedback from users: Historical Unreconciled Bank Transaction Trial Balance IE- Details/Summary
New Reports Engine A number of existing reports have been re-engineered, although the main features remain the same. This enables reports to be printed, or saved as Excel, PDF or Word documents Some reports also have an ‘expand’ or ‘collapse’ feature for ledger codes.
New Reports Engine Reports can be found under the Reports, New Reports menu 3 reports are available under the New and Original menus 3 reports have been replaced entirely
New reports are available Spring 2015 Cumulative Expense Analysis Reports | New Reports | General Ledger | Analysis Autumn 2014 Reports | General Ledger | Analysis Summer 2015 Cost Centre Listing Reports | New Reports | General Ledger Setup | Cost Centre Listing Spring 2015 Reports | General Ledger Setup | Cost Centre Listing Autumn 2015 Cost Centre Group Structure Reports | New Reports | General Ledger Setup | Cost Centre Group Structure Spring 2015Reports | General Ledger Setup | Cost Centre Group Structure Autumn 2015
Replaced Reports Reports | Budget Maintenance | Annual Budget Listing Reports | General Ledger | Balances/Reserves Reports | General Ledger | Historical Expense Analysis
Other Spring 2015 features Ability to add a journal from within the Bank Reconciliation screen A Net Amount and VAT column has been added to the Proposed Invoice/Credit Note Authorisation Listing report. Amount column has been renamed Total Cost.
Spring Fixes Cumulative Expense Analysis When using the ‘Exclude ledger codes with zero balance’ filter, codes with balances greater than or less than zero are no longer being excluded.
Tidying FMS Users Audit require old FMS users to be deactivated Users who have been referenced in the system cannot be deleted Users can be edited through Tools, Manage Users
Double click to add user ID Click Access Rights
Choose No Access ‘Can Log In’ tick box will now be empty
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