1 Corrosion Induced Cracking: Analytical and Non-Linear Fracture mechanics Modelling OSTRAVA Institute of Structural Mechanics Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Technology, Brno Florentina Pernica, Drahomír Novák
2 Introduction The aim: to develop NLFM computational model for the corrosion induced cracking and compare the results with one obtained from analytical model. Computational model that was prepared using software ATENA 2D. Analytical model for corrosion induced cracking in RC structures.
3 Analytical model for corrosion The deterioration mechanism: corrosion of reinforcement. Two processes may lead to depassivation of steel: - carbonatio of concrete - chloride ingress. An analytical model for corrosion induced cracking in RC structures has been derived based on the concepts of fracture mechanics and smeared cracks.
4 Analytical model
6 Was done using software ATENA 2D based on non-linear fracture mechanics. Was developed mainly for the realistic simulation of RC structures, realistic modelling of cracking in quasi-brittle materials. The corrosion problem was solved as 2D plane stain. The computational model
7 Modelling of the entire concrete circle: mesh, boundaries conditions and applying shrinkage Evolution of cracks at peak load Alternative 1 ConcreteE (Gpa) f t (MPa) f c (MPa) G f (MN/m ) 3D NonLinCementitious E E-05
8 Alternative ConcreteE (Gpa) f t (MPa) f c (MPa) G f (MN/m ) 3D NonLinCementitious E E-05 Quarter of concrete circle 1- the values of stress were taken 2-the values of crack width were measured Graphs stress vs. crack width
9 Alternative 3 ConcreteE (Gpa) f t (MPa) f c (MPa) G f (MN/m) 3D NonLinCementitious E E-05 3D NonLinCementitious 2 weaker 2.5E e-05 1 Evolution of cracks in first stepsEvolution of cracks at peak load
10 Conclusions FEM computational model was developed. The trends of stress vs. crack width curves of both experimental and numerical results were similar. The differences: due to insufficient previous material parameters calibration and due to comparing linear with non-linear solution.