Purpose of the APR Information provided to Congress to justify continued Federal funding of homeless programs Used by HUD Reps to determine need for technical assistance or monitoring 2
Purpose of the APR Upon receipt of the APR, our office sends a copy to the applicable CoC We review the APRs as our workload permits and send a copy of the review letter to the Grantee and the CoC 3
Who Completes the APR? Usually the Grantee or the Sponsor If sponsor is involved, make sure APR responsibilities are covered in the MOU Timeline should include ample time for Grantee to review the APR the Grantee is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information 4
APR Is Important Because… Used by Continuum of Care Groups to determine ranking for renewals Information provided on APR will be reviewed during monitoring to ensure accuracy of APR numbers The data in your APR can affect your CoC’s future funding 5
How Data from your APR can Affect your Funding It is used in the Exhibit One NOFA application For permanent housing projects, the information from questions 12(a) and 12(b) determines the percentage of participants that stayed in permanent housing seven months or longer for the CoC (2008 goal is at least 71.5%) 6
How Data from your APR can Affect your Funding The information from question 11 determines the percentage of participants within the CoC that gained access to mainstream resources and employment (2008 goal is that 19% of the participants who exit will be employed) 7
How Data from your APR can Affect your Funding The information in your CoC’s Exhibit One (from individual program APRs) is compared with Exhibit One’s across the country Points for CoC Performance are awarded depending on the data In 2008, CoC Performance was worth 28 of the 100 total points 8
How to Complete the APR Use HMIS (ServicePoint) Seriously! HMIS will complete questions 2-15 Make sure the data entered into ServicePoint is accurate 9
Running the HUD APR in ServicePoint 1) Watch the webinar from May 2009 that provides step-by-step instruction on how to do this 2) Webinar can be found at: 10
Completing the APR Manually Use the current version of the APR! go to click on forms click on HUD-4 scroll down to HUD and click on it to open the APR READ THE INSTRUCTIONS 11
Completing the APR Manually Use the correct grant number on the cover page, especially if you have multiple grants The numbers for questions 1a should be taken from your APPROVED application or technical submission 12
Completing the APR Manually Question 2a: Persons served during the operating year the numbers on the first day of this operating year should correspond to the numbers on the last day of the previous operating year 13
Completing the APR Manually Children are only reported on in questions 2 and 5 The total for questions 7 (ethnicity) and 8 (race) should be the same---according to HUD, each participant has one ethnic category and one racial category 14
Completing the APR Manually Questions 6-10 are only for participants (singles not in families and adults in families) who ENTERED the project during the operating year Questions are only for participants who LEFT the project during the operating year 15
Completing the APR Manually Questions 6 through 15 refer to the number of PARTICIPANTS, not households Singles not in families and adults in families Does NOT include children or caregivers Example: You may have had five households enter your program but six participants because one of your households had two adults. 16
Completing the APR Manually Question 10: Prior Living Situation Report on each participant that entered the program during the operating year Only possible answers for chronically homeless participants are: non-housing (a) the streets (b) 17
Completing the APR Manually Question 11: Amount and Source of Income at Entry and Exit only report on those participants who LEFT during the operating year HUD compares the amount and source(s) of income at entry vs. at exit Current HUD goal is that 19% of participants who exit will have employment income 18
Completing the APR Manually Questions 12a and 12b: Length of Stay report on length of stay of those participants who were in the program at any time during the operating year 19
Completing the APR Manually for permanent housing projects (S+C), HUD’s expectation is that 71.5% of participants will stay at least six months if less than six months, it can indicate a lack of program flexibility if there are special/unique circumstances, please include an explanation!! 20
Completing the APR Manually Question 15: Supportive Services Supportive services received by those who left the program Question 16: Program Goals Reviewed by local HUD office and CoCs 21
Don’t Forget… Having a third party look at the APR can help prevent errors Does your CoC have an APR review committee? 22
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