1 Update to the Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region Beth Newman Transportation Planner Item 11 December 16, 2009 National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board
2 Overview of Briefing Background What is in the Coordinated Plan What We Have Learned Plan Revisions Solicitation Schedule for 2010
3 Background: TPB Role Designated Recipient of FTA Programs –JARC –New Freedom Implementation Role
4 Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan SAFETEA-LU Requirement –Locally-developed –Projects derived from Plan –Projects competitively selected Approved by TPB in April 2007 –Establishes criteria for selection process –Guidance to prospective applicants Developed by the Task Force 4
55 Human Service Transportation Coordination Task Force 45 Members Represent: –Public transit agencies –Departments of Transportation –Private and nonprofit transportation providers –Human service agencies –Users/Consumers Chaired by TPB Member
6 Revisions to the Plan Unmet Transportation NeedsSummary of Existing Services Strategies for Improved Service & Coordination Recommended Projects Previous studies, timeline and public input Introduction and Plan Development Definitions and demographic information Competitive Selection Criteria and Process
7 Project Solicitations Annual project solicitations –2007 through 2009 –2010 last one Independent Selection Committee –Chaired by TPB Member Elected Official –Evaluate projects using competitive selection criteria 25 Pilots Funded –4 completed –11 in progress –10 in contract phase –$7.7 million projects approved –11 JARC; 14 New Freedom
8 Breakdown of Projects Funded *Includes projects like taxi vouchers and door-through-door services that enhance access to existing transportation services.
9 Outcomes and Lessons Learned What works well –Outreach –Selection process and criteria –Flexibility in developing projects –Creating opportunities for coordination Challenges –Matching funds –Long time for implementation –JARC limitations –Federal requirements
10 Strategies for Improved Service and Coordination Tailor transportation services –Emphasizes individual needs Provide user-friendly information –Appropriate formats –Work with caregivers Services that improve reliability Implement new programs and services
11 Recommended Projects for JARC Brochure for Low-Income Workers Loan Program for Low-Income Workers to Purchase Cars Shuttles or Van Pools to Suburban Employment Sites Transportation Vouchers Transportation Ombudsman Expanded Transit in Underserved Neighborhoods
12 Recommended Projects for New Freedom Accessible Taxi Pilot Sensitivity and Customer Service Training Door-through-Door Service Same-Day Service Pilot Travel Training Volunteer Driver Program
13 Timeline and Next Steps Jan 18 – Apr 16, 2010Solicitation for Projects Apr – MayIndependent Selection Committee makes funding recommendations May – JuneTPB asked to approve funding recommendations Sept – Nov Project Implementation Begins