Orientation Week 2009 your journey has begun… your journey has begun… …the possibilities are endless MAKING THE GRADE
Orientation Week 2009 o differences between high school and university o the importance of first year o time management o tools of the trade presentation outline your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 high school vs. university your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o preparation before class o during the lecture o after-class review high school vs. university: lectures your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o difference o attendance o complement lecture high school vs. university: labs and tutorials your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 high school vs. university: resources your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless high school -teacher -guidance counsellor -librarian -parents university -professor -dons - TA/IA - librarians -learning services -academic advisors -career services - PEERS! PEER MENTORS
Orientation Week 2009 o format o weighting o content high school vs. university: testing your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 first year counts your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless first year counts
Orientation Week 2009 your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless Saad Aslam: political science, year 4
Orientation Week 2009 your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 first year counts: GPA your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless Letter Grade Percentage Equivalent Grade Point A A A B B B C C C D D D F00 o Whether you are allowed to continue in your program or even continue to study at Laurier depends on your GPA
Orientation Week 2009 o in-course o first term o first year first year counts: GPA continued your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 first year counts: GPA example your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless Midterm (30%) Major Assignment (30 %) Final (40%) Grade Point 30%82%75%5 (C) 82% 75%10 (A-)
Orientation Week 2009 o why GPA matters o academic integrity o “I didn’t know” and “I’m a good student. It’s not going to happen to me” first year counts: responsibility your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 time management your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o foundation o syllabus time management : get organized your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o term calendars and planners o to-do lists o review! o assignment breakdown time management : techniques your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o extracurricular activities o academic activities o social activities time management: make time for… your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless it’s all about balance!
Orientation Week 2009 mike eby: mike eby: philosophy, yr. 4 your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless tools of the trade
Orientation Week 2009 your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless tools of the trade: the academic calendar o courses your must take and grades you must earn to graduate o academic rules and regulations o academic dates: when the term begins, last day to add or drop courses o courses offered, prerequisites
Orientation Week 2009 o basics o holds o account info o “employee” tab tools of the trade: LORIS your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o course info o discussion boards o instructor and peer contact tools of the trade: WebCT your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o primary form of communication o etiquette tools of the trade: groupwise your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o “bird courses” o repeat courses o if the prof posts the slides, you don’t need to attend class o deferring exams is a good idea myths your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless
Orientation Week 2009 o there are a lot differences between high school and university o first year counts – keep your options open o good time management skills are the foundation for success at university summary your journey has begun … the possibilities are endless