YOUTHNET South East EUROPE 2001 - 2005. AIMS youthNET strenghtens the youth cooperation and supports regional co-operation in South East Europe by funding.


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Presentation transcript:


AIMS youthNET strenghtens the youth cooperation and supports regional co-operation in South East Europe by funding crossborder partnerships in SEE, joint training activities and co-operation on governmental and NGO level.

youthNET offers: Training activities for organizers knowledge how to find partners knowledge and skills to organize joint projects - knowledge of organizational management knowledge of communication with authorities educational materials (formal and non-formal) for intercultural exchanges consultation concerning fundraising information about European funding for preparatory and start-up meetings, etc.

youthNET informs YNGOs and decision makers on local, regional and national levels about: youthNet YOUTH programme SEE Resource Centre White Book

Seed-money Small funds to start up projects with partners in the SEE region. youthNET provides small funds to promote regional cooperation.

Tasks of Regional Organizers organisation of youthNET activities in their countries establishment and coordination of contacts to NGOs and administration administrative assistance for IZ (seed money, reporting etc.

Tasks IZ team Overall coordination of the project Planning of content end development of the project in close cooperation with the sterring group Dissemination of information Reporting to donors Monitoring Production of info material (web site, brochures,..) Administration of seed money projects


Albania Suela Popa EventPlaceDateNumber of Participants Contact&Training seminar Tirana Nov National workshopTirana16 Oct TOTAL99 4 SEED MONEY PROJECTS Still to realize: National work shop, Tirana, 26 June 2004

BiH Jan Kulenovic EventPlaceDateNumber of participants Contact&Training seminar Sarajewo15-19 March National workshopSarajewo6 May TOTAL63 10 Seed money projects 2001 – 2004 Still to realize: National Workshop, Sarajewo, 4 June 2004

Croatia Lidija Buric EventPlaceDateNumber of participants Regional Organizer Meeting Zagreb27-30 Jan Contact&Training seminar Zagreb15-19 March Evaluation conference Zagreb April National workshopZagreb11 April TOTAL Seed money projects Still to realize: National work shop, Zagreb, 24 September 2004

FYROM Aleksandar Kirkovski EventPlaceDateNumber of participants Contact &Training seminar Ohrid1-5 June Regional Organizer meeting Struga6-8 June National WorkshopSkopje9 Nov Workshop: South East Europe in the YOUTH Programme of the European Commission Skopje7-9 Nov TOTAL97 6 Seed money projects 2001 – 2004 Still to realize: National Workshop, Skopje, 5 November 2004

Kosovo Blerim Gashi EventPlaceDateNumber of participants Kosovo Youth Congress Vushtrri5-7 Sept Seed money projects 2001 – 2005 Still to realize: National workshop, Prishtina, February 2005

Montenegro Milowan Djukanovic EventPlaceDateNumber of Participants Contact&Training Seminar Igalo11-15 Oct Regional Organizer Meeting Ulcinj23-26 Aug National workshopPodgorica9 May TOTAL72 9 Seed money projects Still to realize: National workshopMontenegro, Podgorica 21 May 2004

Serbia Aleksandra Vidanovic EventPlaceDateNumber of participants Contact&Training seminar Belgrade9-14 April Seed money funding conference Belgrade25-26 Nov Work shop: Basic conditions for young people´s cooperation between EU and SEE countries Belgrade28 Nov – 1 Dec National workshopBelgrade19 Sep National workshopNovi Sad3 Apr TOTAL161 5 Seed money projects Still to realize: Evaluation Conference, May 2005

Bulgaria Manuela Radeva EventPlaceDateNumber of participants Contact&Training seminar Sofia19-23 Sept Project partner´s meeting Sofia31 Jan – 2 Feb TOTAL49 18 Seed money projects

IZ staff EventPlaceDateNumber of participants youthNET start up conference Vienna12-15 July Steering committee and advisory board meeting Vienna6 -9 Feb Steering committee and advisory board meeting Vienna24-26 Mar Monitoring of all activities SEE Seed money administration/monitoring SEE Approx TOTAL2576

Other activities Long term training for trainers course (Serbia – Austria –Italy) Study visit to SEE

Contacts IZ: Interkulturelles Zentrum Bacherplatz 10 A-1050 Wien Tel: Fax: Martina Fürpass: Gerhard Mosshammer: