Country Report Progress Toward Strengthening EPI [Country Name]
Population Data Total population Total number of births in 2008 Total number of children aged < 5 year in 2008 Population aged 1-14 years
National Immunization Schedule 2008 Please highlight any vaccine (s) newly introduced in 2008
Vaccination Coverage 2008 HepB birth dose (within 24 hours of birth): HepB birth dose: (total, including those given before and after 24 hours of birth) DTP1: DTP3: OPV3: HepB3: MCV1: MCV2: TT2+ Please include other EPI vaccines if they are included in national immunization programme, e.g. pentavalent vaccine (DTP-HepB-Hib)… Please indicate source of data
Sub-national Coverage 2008 Please indicate the source of data
Key Achievements 2008/2009
Innovative Activities Integration with other health services e.g. Child health week, Immunization week Any new initiatives
Priority Activities 2009/2010
External Support Needed 2009/2010 You may specify which areas and which partners