To support lifelong learning and expanding mobility Working group 4 Report June 2012 |Vienna
Specific ongoing activities and projects: - Learning mobility: Capacity Building Mobility Programme (Lead: AT, Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital) 2008 – (annual cycles) – Strengthen administrative capacities, promotion of regional cooperation through international mobility stages civil servants CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (Lead: Joint Committee of Ministeries, Central Cepus office in AT) May 2011 – Apr 2018 – Multilateral exchange programmes for university studies (university networks operating joint programmes; covers grants for teachers and students) Academy of VET (Lead: DE - Akademie der Beruflicher Bildung ) – VET schools cooperation to enhance skills of trainers, instructors and mangers EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) – Priority Area 9 |
Specific ongoing activities and projects: - European reference tools: Development of National Qualification Frameworks (Lead: HR) Oct 2011 – Dec 2012 – Emphasis on recognition of prior learning and cooperation on quality assurance of the assessment Modernisation of VET system in Serbia (lead : Serbia) oct 2009 – March 2013 – Support modernisation of VET system and strenghten institutional capacity, (develop NQF; QA mechanism, support continuous VET, teachers training) In service teacher training for inclusive education (Lead: Moldova) – Develop a methodological framework and a regional network of inclusive educationa promoters EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) – Priority Area 9 |
Specific ongoing activities and projects: - European reference tools: Training on competence based assessment for VET teachers (Lead: RO – National Centre for TVET) June 2011 – May 2014 – Develop and implement training programmes for VET teachers in competence based assessment Improving quality assurance in VET through schools networks (Lead: RO National Centre for TVET) September 2010 – May 2014 – Develop a strategy for EQAVET implementtaion in national context and support VET schools networking on specific domains EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) – Priority Area 9 |
Areas for further action for the Danube region strategy implementation : Administration - reduce obstacles, simplify regulations, commonly develop regulations, brief civil servants Focus on existent schemes – find a balance between new and old ideas, secure financing information management – elaborate short, user friendly documents and schemes Promote mobility as a way of life Promote the Danube region - have a positive approach towards ist developments and achievements Ask for dissemination strategy as a condition for application and project approval Be aware of the linking that exists between language and identity EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) – Priority Area 9 |
Project ideas: NQF development in the Danube region – exchange of information on how to develop and operationalize NQF at system level (regulations needed, steps taken, exchange of good practice) Networking of schools in specific sectors (agriculture, tourism etc.) – partnership agreement between participating schools; possible areas for cooperation: mobility of teachers and students, training programmes development, teachers training, extra curricular activities, on line cooperation platforms EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) – Priority Area 9 |
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