April 20, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda 1.Call to order: President, “The Meeting will come to order.” 2.Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge 3.Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests 4.Minutes: Secretary reads the minutes of the previous meeting 5.President’s Report: Recycling Project; Committee Meetings 6.Committee Reports 7.Unfinished Business: Committee Sign Ups 8.New Business: Helping in the Cafeteria 9.Recognition: Thank you to our Specials Guests 10.Adjournment
I pledge to have success through education and life I will be strong, honest, and trustworthy. I will show leadership and responsibility. I am proud to call myself a Harpool Longhorn. The Harpool Student Creed
Builders Pledge I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Builders Club. To better my school, my community, my nation and myself. To aid those in need while enhancing leadership capabilities, and to encourage the fellowship of all mankind.
April 20, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda 1.Call to order: “The Meeting will come to order.” 2.Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge 3.Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests 4.Minutes: Secretary reads the minutes of the previous meeting 5.President’s Report: Ongoing Recycling Project 6.Committee Reports 7.Unfinished Business: Committee Sign Ups 8.New Business: Helping in the Cafeteria 9.Recognition: Thank you to our Specials Guests 10.Adjournment
April 20, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Committee Reports – Projects Peru Mission Supplies, Meredith Wood & Sydney Thames Book Drive for Shelters, Ariana Tashakkori Read to Kindergarten & 1 st Graders, Brett Gilbert Cafeteria Clean Up Project, Brett Gilbert
April 20, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Committee Reports – Projects Peru Mission Supplies, Meredith Wood & Sydney Thames Book Drive for Shelters, Ariana Tashakkori Read to Kindergarten & 1 st Graders, Brett Gilbert Cafeteria Clean Up, Brett Gilbert Honor Harpool Janitors: Provide Lunch or gift cards, Katrina Harris
April 20, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda 1.Call to order: “The Meeting will come to order.” 2.Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge 3.Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests 4.Announcements/Reports: Club Project Ideas 5.Unfinished Business: Cookies for SoupMobile, Kylie Williams & Avery Fouts Honor Harpool Janitors: Provide Lunch or gift cards, Katrina Harris 6. New Business: Projects to consider, Ariana T. & Grady H. 7. Recognition: Thank you to our Specials Guests 8. Adjournment
April 20, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda 1.Call to order: “The Meeting will come to order.” 2.Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge 3.Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests 4.Announcements/Reports: Club Project Ideas 5.Unfinished Business: Committee Sign Ups 6.New Business: Helping in the Cafeteria 7. Recognition: Thank you to our Special Guests 8. Adjournment: The President asks if there are any announcements and moves to adjourn the meeting and closes the meeting.