Who is using it ? Why Not ? Must have a teacher mentor at each school (district support) Grade Book ELEM Grade Book Middle SEC #Courses#Teachers#AssignmentAVG SD72 NoYes ,74826 per course DELTA SomeYes ,45121 per course SD per course SD22 NoAll1, ,64920 per course SDML All ,09627 per course S OAKS No2 schl per course
Home room teacher now has full access to the course assignment module Added the option COPY ALL assignments from another course/section … lots of COPY options Assignment Marks has some create opportunities; now s as BCC Marks spreadsheet can now mark excluded along with the mark Assignment type windows now sort alpha
Assignment types perfectly map to MB elementary card reporting requirements (outcomes)
Very helpful at Report Card time
Teacher Grade Book Manual ( On-Line Videos Teacher Assignment Basics Teacher Assignment Setup Teacher Assignment Enhancements
Ability for Students in StudentConnect to browse/attach completed assignments Ability for Teachers to text (right now they can ) students ?? Is there anything from the Princ/VP level that we need to add.. Is reporting and full access to a teachers gradebook enough or are there questions/creeping that you would like? Attach Assignments to predefined outcomes and offer some summary reporting Do a better job at copying assignments semester to semester and allowing for date edits to reduce amount of time/effort Student Assignments by Teacher/Course Report TCH.560 Student Assignment Profiles TCH.561 Assignment vs Course Marks Differences Report TCH.565 Student Assignment Summary by Student Report TCH.566 Assignment Summary by Teacher/Course Report. TCH.567