26-30 may 2014 Daejeon-Korea Country report Mohammad Karimi (Iran-CRO) Elham Fathi (Iran-NSO) Third Regional Workshop on Production and Use of Vital Statistics
IS vital statistics produced from civil registration? yes 3
Universal coverage?YES Is continuous? YES Confidentiality? Legally : For the CRO internal users : all have signed an NDA (non_disclosure agreement) Just legally authorized bodies can access to the Relevant information.(relevant information definition depend on the mission of the requester body) Does the vital statistics system ensures
Technically : The Data is not accessible over the internet In the Intranet there are many security levels which guarantees the confidentiality And also there are some access list which enables the authorized internal users to access the Relevant data according to their job. In the VS production phase the individual information (i.e name,family name,person_nin are intentionally omitted. Does the vital statistics system ensures
Regular dissemination? VS are disseminated in form of bulletin،monthly،quarterly and yearbook In these forms: Printed,CDs,website Every body can access the disseminated VS. Does the vital statistics system ensures
What is the role of health institutions in the system? One of important partnership in birth and death declaration and also in death causes. their another role is HIS and HMN. Is there a body coordinating between statistics, civil registration, health and other institutions? There are some collaboration between All involved organizations but there is no body to coordinate the activities.
Live Birth :yes Death : yes Foetal death : yes Marriage : yes Divorce: yes Do the definitions of vital events in the vital statistics system comply with international standards?
does list of topics in the vital statistics system comply with internationally recommended core topics? Live birth: 9 TOPIC_NAME Duration Of Residence In Usual Place Children Born In Wedlock Foetal death during the entire life of a woman Interval since last previous live birth/date of last previous live birth Marital status (mother and father) Educational attainment (mother and father) Type of birth (child) Attendance at birth
does list of topics in the vital statistics system comply with internationally recommended core topics? Death : 10 TOPIC_NAME Place Of Usual Residence(+ mother child<1y) Marital status
Foetal death (if the event is informed to cro) does list of topics in the vital statistics system comply with internationally recommended core topics? TOPIC_NAME Date Of Occurrence Place Of Occurrence And Registration Locality Place Of Usual Residence (mother,father) Age And Date Of Birth(mother,father) Children Born Alive to the mother during her entire life Foetal death during the entire life of a woman Birth order Interval since last previous live birth/date of last previous live birth Duration of marriage/date ofmarriage(mother)
does list of topics in the vital statistics system comply with internationally recommended core topics? Marriage: (for divorce and marriage most of the time The place pf occurrence and registration are the same) 12 TOPIC_NAME Date Of Occurrence Place Of Occurrence Locality
Divorce : does list of topics in the vital statistics system comply with internationally recommended core topics? TOPIC_NAME Place Of Occurrence Locality
The process assessment was done by RA. The content is done by: Direct methods: Post enumeration survey dual records Indirect methods: Census survival ratio Sex ratio Wippel’s index Myer’s index Joint score index bachi’s index What is the coverage of civil registration?
Increase the coverage of CR better coordination Decrease the time between occurrence and registration Increase accuracy of data On time dissemination Much more alignment with the international recommendations using new technologies as enablers Studying Register_based census (if possible for 2016 census) Increasing the awarness about the importance of VS in national governance Elaborate on possible strategies to align the vital statistics system in your country with international standards?
Thank you 16