July 28' 2011INDIA-CMS_meeting_BARC1 Tier-3 TIFR Makrand Siddhabhatti DHEP, TIFR Mumbai July 291INDIA-CMS_meeting_BARC
Functionality The node is equipped with the following functionality : * A Standard UI Package (gLite 3.2). * CRAB (CRAB Ver. 2_7_9). * Access to Centrally installed CMSSW of Tier-2. * Local Job Submission (Condor ver. 7_6_0). * Linked with Dedicated Storage (~20 TB). * Root (ver ) 40+ ui.indiacms.res.in
Opening Root Files from T2_IN_TIFR go to your working diretory, source /opt/exp_soft/cms/cmsset_default.csh ln -sf $LCG_LOCATION/lib64/libdpm.so libshift.so.2.1 export LD_PRELOAD= ${GLOBUS_LOCATION}/lib/libglobus_gssapi_gsi_gcc64dbgpthr.so export SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc434 cmsenv export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH voms-proxy-init -voms cms root -b root rfio:/dpm/indiacms.res.in/home/cms/store/mc/Winter10/ZccToLL_M-40_PtC1- 15_TuneZ2_7TeV-madgraph- pythia6/AODSIM/E7TeV_ProbDist_2010Data_BX156_START39_V8- v1/0014/98EAF36D-171D-E011-94B D476F8.root
Accessing root files in T2_IN_TIFR in CMSSW go to your working diretory, cmsenv voms-proxy-init -voms cms setenv LD_PRELOAD ${GLOBUS_LOCATION}/lib/libglobus_gssapi_gsi_gcc64dbgpthr.so process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource", fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring( 'rfio:/dpm/indiacms.res.in/home/cms/store/mc/Winter10/ZccToLL_M-40_PtC1- 15_TuneZ2_7TeV-madgraph- pythia6/AODSIM/E7TeV_ProbDist_2010Data_BX156_START39_V8- v1/0014/98EAF36D-171D-E011-94B D476F8.root' #'/store/mc/Winter10/ZccToLL_M-40_PtC1-15_TuneZ2_7TeV-madgraph- pythia6/AODSIM/E7TeV_ProbDist_2010Data_BX156_START39_V8- v1/0014/98EAF36D-171D-E011-94B D476F8.root' ))
Local Job Submission : A Condor Stuff * Currently condor scheduler is deployed on Tier-3 machine to facilitate the local users for executing the job locally. * The CMSSW job submission where Tier-2 data storage can be accessed directly from Tier-3, by batch job submission, has been tested.
A Sample Condor Job Submission Script universe=vanilla Executable = test_batch_condor.sh Log = 2011_2.log Output = 2011_2.out Error = 2011_2.error Notify_user = Queue
test_batch_condor.sh #!/bin/sh -f source /home/makrand/.bashrc export DPM_HOST=se01.indiacms.res.in export DPNS_HOST=se01.indiacms.res.in export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/opt/globus cd /home/makrand/CMSSW_4_2_2/src/Test/TestCrab/test_condor export SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc434 source /opt/exp_soft/cms/cmsset_default.sh export PATH=/opt/exp_soft/cms/common:/opt/external/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin eval `scramv1 runtime -sh` export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/globus/lib/libglobus_gssapi_gsi_gcc64dbgpthr.so cmsRun -p testsummer11_422_cfg.py
Condor Utility Commands condor_submit condor_q : To check the status of jobs. condor_status : To get the status of cluster. condor_rm : To remove the submitted job. condor_history : To get the history of jobs. condor_run : To run shell commands.
Environment for crab job submission It is a tool to submit the CMSSW jobs to grid, including the stored data. go to your working diretory cd /home/makrand/CMSSW_x_y_z/src/Test/CrabTest source /opt/glite/etc/profile.d/grid-env.csh source /home/CRAB_2_7_9_pre1/crab.csh voms-proxy-init –voms cms cmsenv export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/external/usr/lib crab -create -submit all -cfg crab.cfg
Conclusion * Please Let us know it you have any problem while using these facilities at Tier-3 (ui.indiacms.res.in). * Please send a mail to if you need an account in Tier-3.