Music Magazine Evaluation By Fiyinfoluwa Ogedengbe
Forms And Conventions The way that my magazine uses, develops or challenges forms and conventions of a real music magazine! In my begin stages for the production of magazine I kept in mind the magazine I used as a case study (top of the pop magazine) I used this as my exemplar. I kept in mind that my masthead must be eye catching just like that of top of the pops. Front cover: With the cover I made sure that I kept the convention of having one main image on the cover. However I feel as though I developed my magazine by having other smaller images below and around the main image. I also tried to keep my images to a minimum. In addition just like TOTP magazine I put page numbers on the front cover as well. I done this 2 Contents page: I feel as through my contents page looks as just what would be expected in a real pop magazine with many incising images and bold eye catching colours used to incise the readers to turn to every page. Feature article: With my feature article I tried to break down on the conventions form expected of a double page spread such as maybe only having one main image. I tried to used a variety of images to boost my artists image. FINAL MAGAZI NE COVER
Social Group Representation How my magazine represents particular social groups! The reasons why I decided to aim my magazine at Young teen girl Readers is that I feel as though young girls need a more positive outlook on females. This is due to the fact that in society today the main image we see of women are as Sex Symbols. My magazine (Pop candy) is like an escape root from the negative publicity of females and encourages young teens growing up as females to see women in a positive Light. It helps unite a sisterhood in young teens.
Target Audience Who would be the target audience for your magazine? The target audience for my magazine would be young teen girls aged between However my magazine may have a border appeal depending on the my feature artists. They may spike and interest in readers of other ages.
Distribution Of My Magazine What kind of institution might distribute your magazine and why? I would expect many type of intuitions to distribute my magazine from the local coner shops to the biggest retail stores of all kinds e.g. Marks and Spencer's. Maybe even some primary schools This being said because
Target Audience Awareness How I attracted / addressed my audience! Well attracting my target audience wasn’t to tricky I made sure that the fonts used were friendly the same outlook was applied to my models (Artists) the fact that their smile is inviting to many audiences. Like I stated before the masthead for my magazine Is a real big selling point.
What I Have Learnt About Technology What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing your magazine? (software, photography etc) Well I’ve learnt a few things during the process of creating my magazine. Firstly and most importantly that the process of learning to use Photoshop is very difficult and that I should have began learning to use it early. Even though I did learn the basics of Photoshop if I has started from the get go. I believe I would have been of a more higher standard. Another thing was that due to the fact that I made many draft before I made my final cover I learnt that is really important that when saving my work I give it a clear title and remember where I have saved it. I found I got quite irritated when I sat down to begin amending all my drafts and couldn’t remember what my work was titled and ending up opening several copies before actually find the one I needed.
Contrast Between Premilary Task And Main Task I found from creating my music magazine (main task) that there is a very big contrast between that and my premilary task. The amount of work and time that needed to be put in is immense. With the premilary task time due to the fact that only one page ( A front Cover) needed to be created. It was significantly easier. In addition to that because it was a school magazine so models were a lot easier to find.
The End