L.O. By the end of this session you will be able to: Use an acronym to help remember exam techniques Comment on each CONFLICT poem in detail Sort the poems into themes Create your own exam- style questions for revision Write an exam-style answer
POETIC – Remember this acronym! Purpose: the meaning of the poem Organisation: rhyme scheme, line length, lines per stanza, repetition, structure, layout, end stopped lines, number of stanzas Emotive tone: (feelings the poem expresses) sad, wistful, angry, scathing, ironic, celebratory Techniques: metaphor, simile, personification, repetition, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, letter sounds, enjambment, oxymoron Individual words: any key words or phrases Contrast: opposites (there will always be contrast in a well- written poem)
THEMES Causes of Conflict 6. Divided Society Effects of Conflict 7. Patriotism Reality of Battles 8. Individual Experiences Nature 9. Death Sadness and Loss 10. Helplessness Task 1: In your group, discuss and sort each poem into the above themes. You must be ready to give at least one reason for your decisions!
1. Causes of Conflict The Yellow Palm Hawk Roosting Next to of course god america I Flag The Right Word
2. Effects of Conflict Futility The Charge of the Light Brigade Bayonet Charge Poppies Out of the Blue ‘Come on, Come Back’
3. Reality of Battles The Charge of the Light Brigade Bayonet Charge Belfast Confetti Mametz Wood Futility Hawk Roosting
4. Nature Hawk Roosting The Falling Leaves Mametz Wood Bayonet Charge Out of the Blue The Yellow Palm
5. Sadness and Loss Futility The Falling Leaves ‘Come On, Come Back’ Poppies The Charge of the Light Brigade Out of the Blue
6. Divided Society The Right Word At The Border, 1979 Belfast Confetti The Yellow Palm Flag Next to of course god america I
7. Patriotism The Charge of the Light Brigade Next to of course god america I Flag ‘Come On, Come Back’ At the Border, 1979
8. Individual Experiences Out of the Blue Poppies The Right Word At the Border, 1979 ‘Come On, Come Back’ Bayonet Charge
9. Death Out of the Blue ‘Come On, Come Back’ Mametz Wood Hawk Roosting Futility The Charge of the Light Brigade The Falling Leaves
10. Helplessness At the Border, 1979 Belfast Confetti Out of the Blue Futility The Charge of the Light Brigade The Falling Leaves Poppies
Create your own question! Example from theme 2: Comparing ‘Come On, Come Back’ and The Charge of the Light Brigade, discuss the poets’ attitudes to the effects of conflict.